Stupid tourists! move your car out the way!

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fordkiwi27, May 4, 3:47pm

brummoi, May 4, 4:01pm
bit of a bump on a roundabout with an old lady and they're waiting for the Serious Crash Unit to show up before moving the cars out the way. 'Trained sociologist' haha

whqqsh, May 4, 4:17pm
good grief, if youre unsure of the rules & 20 ppl are telling you to move your car wouldnt you do it! & a bit silly if theyve travelled the 'length of the country' & let one experience overrule all the good

bashfulbro, May 4, 4:39pm
" We didn`t know if we were in the wrong "
End of story.

floscey, May 4, 5:10pm
The poor tourists should haveBypassed Hamilton . If NZ ever had a enima they would stick it in at Hamilton.

pup2, May 4, 5:23pm
lol if 20 people from hamilton were telling me I was wrong, i wouldn't have listened to them either lol

ryanm2, May 4, 5:25pm
Slow news day. Its not even a story worth writing about.

smac, May 4, 5:32pm
Trained sociologists don't even know what is and isn't racism. Abuse toward foreigners is a lot of things, none of them good, but it's not racism.

saffa2, May 4, 6:14pm
german lesbian sociologists.Says it all really.

nightboss, May 4, 6:38pm
Where does it say they were lesbian! Or was that a tongue in cheek comment from you saffa!

fordkiwi27, May 4, 6:42pm
dykes as

woody1946, May 4, 6:49pm
Only need to read the names to figure that

jasongroves, May 4, 6:50pm
It was the hair cut on that front bloke that made up my mind.

rsr72, May 4, 7:09pm
No wonder they started, & lost, WW1 & WWII.

p_rock, May 4, 7:21pm
Foreigner! .yeah. that's pretty racist.

trogedon, May 4, 7:28pm
Hopefully someone had the good sense to carefully explain the rule to them to let them know who was in the wrong and if they'd photographed the cars they could've moved them and the Police would've had a photo or two to go by.
The guy shouldn't have touched them. Its assault.
Whether they are or are not Lesbians (would a pair of 30 something women plan a year long trip together who weren't Lesbians! Ok, itcould happen) is irrelevant.

rsr72, May 4, 8:36pm
Reminscent of WWII SS concentration camp guards.

glensidevilla, May 4, 8:36pm
Did it ever occur to them even once I wonder that its not OK to block the road! A minor ding could've led to a more major accident by leaving the cars there. Silly.

tonyrockyhorror, May 4, 9:54pm
It doesn't need to. just look at the photo. and Ms Kim. c'mon!

noswalg, May 4, 10:03pm
I live just down the road from that roundabout, it is busy. In fact it is state highway 3 and no doubt if I had come across it there would have been 21 angry neighbours at the scene

patiki1, May 4, 10:06pm
What a mistake,letting her drive.

rustihammer, May 4, 10:07pm
Don't mention the war.

saffa2, May 4, 11:14pm

blackcat17, May 5, 12:14am
Hang on so, reading it again, they cause an accident, then actually wouldn't let the other drivers passenger move the other car off the road, physically blocked his way, and insist the cars sit in the middle of a state highway.then they wonder why people get angry! Crazy

brummoi, May 5, 12:17am
as does 'Ugly encounter.' headline