Help my car is not going properly again.

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nightboss, May 4, 1:28am
Paint it Metallica Green, with the new road rules the green car goes first.

spud1991, May 4, 4:32am
You need chromies for the homies, a blow off valve wont work without the chromes., May 4, 8:56pm
plust lern to seil propper too its inturnet not interent

booksurfer1, May 4, 9:13pm
I'm sorry for all the nerdy type answers you have recieved. Your problem lies somewhere in the spiritual realm. You see, you have named yourself doomy 999 and as we are on the upside down part of the world, you have inadvertantly named yourself a deciple of the devil. The lord has seen fit to hand down a judgement on you that includes, bum cars for life,
inability to recieve serious answers to an obviously well thought out question,
and severe hair loss ya bald @##!,
oh, and abuse from people you don't even know telling the world things you don't want them to know.

elect70, May 4, 10:33pm
you only put queer coat on pinkcars .