Getting a towbar/towball fitted to a nissan avenir

nigelt74, May 4, 1:40am
yep exactly that,
Whats a rough estimate of cost!
Is it just adding a towbar flangey thing with a ball on it, or do they have to put an actual bar on the car for it to attach to.
Do you need to get a new WOF after getting it done!

Any recommendation for Putaruru, Tokoroa or Matamata


morrisman1, May 4, 1:41am
It's not a CVT one is it!

mileyfan73, May 4, 1:45am
Around $450 fitted.Certified Engineer needs to do it.Yes they mount a bar to the chassis and yip new WOF after it's done, general practice.

nigelt74, May 22, 6:06pm
Thanks for that

I have no idea about whether the car is CVT or not, how do you tell!

cpnnz, May 22, 6:46pm
Don't need to get it certified on a private car. cost around $250-$300 fitted. For Avenir with CVT, only suitable to hold a bike rack really. also if not CVT, auto shift lever will have an overdrive ( O/D ) button on it.

mugenb20b, May 22, 7:26pm
C.E. is only required to make the tow bar, but anyone can fit it.