The impossible texting and driving test

nuberanda, May 6, 3:44pm
Have a look, it's pretty cool.

tonyrockyhorror, May 6, 4:06pm
I guess some people just can't do it. But many of us can. I txt & drive because I'm less likely to get caught and interrupted than if I talk on the cellphoneand driving (although that's OK at night). Of course I don't do either where there is an increased risk of encountering a hazard, such as suburban streets where I can easily stop and do it, and I don't take my eyes off the road while doing so except to proof and add the recipient if it's not a reply.

This guy doesn't seem to have any difficulty either:!v=K59eMpWsyNE

morrisman1, May 6, 5:01pm
He didnt wear his seatbelt!