Raising the driving age to 16

mrfxit, May 12, 11:46pm

LOOONNNGGG over due.
It's a very different world from my youth to today.
A 50mph speed limit. (63mph now) & a LOT LESS traffic

On the cheap cars .
None of or hard to get>>>

Overhead cams
Fuel injection
Power steering
Air bags
Super chargers
Electronic suspensions
Boosted brakes
Disk brakes
Electric windows
Radial tyres
Door mirrors

Almost ALL std on todays cars along with double or triple + the HP

morrisman1, May 12, 11:56pm
You realise that the change has already gone though! That article is old!

mrfxit, May 12, 11:58pm
LOL oh, didn't spot that date
Wonder why 3 news included it in todays news headings
Mmmmm but how many know of it!

mrfxit, May 13, 12:03am
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm!c_id=1&objectid=10742184 Arrhh yes, Mmmmm Any hoot, still needs more work on teaching/ training & HP restrictions

It was in the "related articles" section on this

cowboy110, May 13, 12:35am
Welcome to 2012 mrfxit.Just to update ya.John Key is still the Prime Minister after the 2011 elections.The Chiefs finished 11th in 2010, 10th in 2011 but they're doing pretty well this year.Christchurch had a pretty big earthquake last year.and you're a couple of years older.

lordv81, May 13, 12:45am
Has raising the age made any difference so far!Raising the age means that the average age of those young ones dying has gone up.Letting a 16 year old with no real training instead of a 15 year old behind the wheel means didly squat.Just like the cell phone law,its all about making PC laws and glazeing over the real issues.

sr2, May 13, 4:40am
LOL, don't worry mrfxit; I lost a few years in the laye 60's - I know how it feels!

outbidyou2, May 13, 4:44am
too funny

ema1, May 13, 5:06am
A lot of the old cars back then were pigs in the handling department, I did my drivers test in a Chrysler Valiant AP5 1963 model.
Handling, brakes etc since then have improved out of sight, but with more vehicles on the road capable of very high speeds and mostly superb handling etc the question is.Are today's drivers capable of reaching the design limits of some of these cars of today, I suggest not in lots of cases!

mrfxit, May 13, 5:11am
Ha ha ha & a LOL .
Ta cowboy & sr2
yea but you can see how easy it is to get caught out like that when following links from a current page.

Any news on when the HP restrictions might get a going over.

costellofam, May 13, 5:13am
my 16y/o son drives a 300hp Nissan skyline. he passed his restricted in that car and has a clean license and is accident free since he has had his license.

cowboy110, May 13, 5:21am
I'm told your eye hand co-ordination starts to go with age.

mrfxit, May 13, 5:21am
Yep thats right. but as any body who drives high performance vehicles (including race cars) would know, the higher the grip limits = the more sudden & more permanently the loss of traction is.
Add to that, the.

Higher speeds modern vehicles are capable of
Denser traffic numbers
Pedestrian numbers
Roadside poles /signs/ fences etc
More paint markings (we all know what that means in the wet)
Performance parts VERY readily available & credit so easy to get

mrfxit, May 13, 5:23am
Which hand & which eye!

Might have to "advise" the wife of the alteration.

sr2, May 13, 6:08am
.who said that.!

sr2, May 13, 6:17am
Brilliant! (That's a worry, if you knew how bad a gardener I was you??

sr2, May 13, 6:20am
My lovely lady and my son have a name for it, ???al-simon??

pollymay, May 13, 6:23am
Makes no difference to me, our licensing system is rubbish.

inkapuka, May 13, 12:47pm
I'm 19 own a v6 commodore 01vx

smac, May 13, 2:52pm
How would you improve it!