Trucks and bad drivers as per a tv show

phalanax, May 18, 7:00pm
Hmm im thinking that its no coincidence alot of risky driving goes on around trucks they seem to be like madness magnets.wonder why that Ever followed a truck and been hit by the stones they throw up.or been unable to see in front of you .or freaked when approaching a bridge head on wondering if you can both safely my mind its not that hard to figure why they frustrate drivers.the tv show paints a somewhat biased picture in my mind.hmm maybe all truck drivers really are road angels in disguise as painted by that particular tv show maybe its a shame cars dont have cameras that capture the antics of

mugenb20b, May 18, 7:04pm
Yes, that TV program was 90% bollocks. They are not showing what happens 10 minutes or an hour earlier or the trucks' actual speed.

Passing on blind corners or double yellow lines is another matter (which makes up the other 10%).

philltauranga, May 18, 7:29pm
We arnt all angels I can assure you there are some muppets behind the wheel of trucks to, we are just human tho same as you, we all have our "off" moments, and after 13hrs tolerating the B/Shyte on the road it does play on the nerve sometimes.
Nothing the driver can do about- stones, visibility, or our narrow roads so being fustrated at the driver over that is hardly the "antics" of the driver.
Trucks have come a long way in the last few decades, the engines are way more powerful, you rarely get stuck behind a modern truck crawling along unless its up a hill, brakes are much better, you can now safely stop 44ton in about 200m from 90kmh, more reliable, way less emmissions, computer tecnology in them now days solves the problems of the past.
GPS, speed limiters, drug testing, company policys, new laws and regulations, new licence system, phone in hotlines, operator rating system, cameras in them, are all helping to filter out the cowboys of days gone by, it can only improve form here.

philltauranga, May 18, 7:29pm
We arnt all angels I can assure you there are some muppets behind the wheel of trucks to, we are just human tho same as you, we all have our "off" moments, and after 13hrs tolerating the B/Shyte on the road it does play on the nerve sometimes.
Nothing the driver can do about- stones, visibility this can be solved by not tailgating us, or our narrow roads so being fustrated at the driver over that is hardly the "antics" of the driver.
Trucks have come a long way in the last few decades, the engines are way more powerful, you rarely get stuck behind a modern truck crawling along unless its up a hill, brakes are much better, you can now safely stop 44ton in about 200m from 90kmh, automatic transmissions, more reliable, way less emmissions, computer tecnology in them now days solves the problems of the past.
GPS, speed limiters, drug testing, company policys, new laws and regulations, new licence system, phone in hotlines, operator rating system, cameras in them, tough inspections from the CVIU, tough COF standards, heavily enforced load security, are all helping to filter out the cowboys of days gone by, it can only improve form here.

chris_051, May 18, 7:55pm
You can't see around a truck! Maybe you should ADHERE to the 2 second rule.
When I was line hauling in a B train, if I had $1 given to me everytime some dickhead in a car (probably with the same attitude as poster 1) passed me, then HELD me up when the passing lane ended (due to incompetence behind the wheel, goes hand in hand with the perception that a truck was holding him/her up), I would be a rich man.

chris_051, May 18, 7:55pm
You can't see around a truck! Maybe you should ADHERE to the 2 second rule.
When I was line hauling in a B train, if I had $1 given to me everytime some dickhead in a car (probably with the same attitude as poster 1) passed me, then HELD me up after the passing lane ended (due to incompetence behind the wheel, goes hand in hand with the perception that a truck was holding him/her up), I would be a rich man.

jmma, May 18, 7:59pm
I drive a very small Dyna truck with box on back. Even when I sit on 100ks on the motorway or highway, everybody has to pass me. They have to pull out of every street in front of me, so they aren't behind the truck.
The worst is, they have to get pass me, even when the passing lanes have run out, I'm still doing 100ks here as well.
Most trucks, even real big ones, cope with the speed limit just fine.

mrfxit, May 18, 7:59pm
What happens Before the incident is not the point, it's what happens AT THE TIME of the incident shown.
Most of whats shown is clearly impatient / arrogance& ignorance on behalf of the other drivers

spunkeymonkey, May 18, 8:01pm
an experienced trucker knows exactly what they are capable of doing when traveling across a narrow bridge and with on coming traffic, and also turning left at a+ intersection (the trucker hasto learn these skills not just out of a cornflakes box), its the drivers of smaller vehicles such as a car whether its a small one to a large car that get frecked out when they see a large truck or bus coming their direction and it is also these idiots in cars who take on a truck and wander why they get crushed. A truck is not easy to pull up in an instant moment like a car can, I know I wouldn't want to take on a truck to come off second best, and at night if you have a truck following you let them pass because an actual fact it is the car that is been a hindrance to the truck. go figure

mrfxit, May 18, 8:08pm
So yea even my Surf can be classed as a small truck because of it's size & abilitys, but that doesn't stop the idiots from passing me at every (they think possible) opportunity in some of the stupidest places .
Have come VERY close to cleaning a few up in the last year or 2. & did collect 1 car the other day who decided to "shoot the gap" at the point of exit from a small roundabout with the road going from 2 lanes to 1 lane very rapidly .
Ripped a 300mm path down & all the way along the side of the car as he rammed his way past me.
All I got was a few scratches on my bumper.
My Blimin insurance wouldn't let me claim for the scratches ;-)

davania, May 18, 9:45pm

mrfxit, May 18, 11:17pm
The less we get yelled at the better we can hear whats being said