Who makes falcon hard lids these days?

prohunter1, May 31, 12:10am
have tryed calling fleetline they no longer make the hard lids for the BF xr6 utes. gosh only a 2006 model and people stop making these things! dealer doesnt surply either.Anyone out there know who still makes these! Thanks guys :)

thunderbolt, May 31, 12:14am

lookoutas, May 31, 12:35am
They're no different than the 2012 ones.

xs1100, May 31, 4:15am
how many would you like do you want a 3 piece with a roll bar or a standard flat one or a humped one

prohunter1, May 31, 5:12am
my ute has a roll bar fitted to it. So i guess the one to fit that mate. Do you know of one!

xs1100, Jun 1, 3:37am
ok is it a factory ford bar or after market. but you can contact utelidson the goo gle thing