Motorcycle brakes someone will know

angelpie, May 31, 1:01am
where can i obtain one of the17mm round plastic inspection discs that fits in the side of a motorcyle master cylinder whichismounted on the handle bars and is nissin brand.the bikes a1983 yamahaXV1000.


mechnificent, May 31, 1:33am
You can look up parts online. do a google and see if he part is seperate or part of the master-cylinder.

attitudedesignz, May 31, 1:42am
Doesn't look like it's a seperate bit.

sparks69, May 31, 2:02am
ive been told they are all part of the master cylinder but im hoping some clever dude has made one up or found something that will fit

mechnificent, May 31, 2:09am
I could make a round plastic disk out of perspex, or clear resin.
I have made clear timing plugs for doing the ignition timing on bikes(old harleys and british) out of a drilled out thread the right pitch, filled with clear resin and then polished.

Handy stuff that resin.