Sheep shagger motor who has one for sale?

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beetle46, Jan 17, 12:12am
Still a sore point for me and from what ive heard alot of other people.
Toyota have missed out on one hell of alot of sales due to this same problem all over the country, despite wheather or not they think they are still doin the right thing by not standing behind a known fault and goin that extra step futher by keeping there clients either happy or informed. keep on ordering in those injectors boys

intrade, Jan 17, 12:21am
ulsd diesel does that, flashlube in every tank of yuel would have prevented any of these problems also morreys diesel smoke stop will work also and a few other additives like winns edt etc.

a.woodrow, Jan 17, 12:22am
How is it their fault if people aren't servicing their trucks adequately!

intrade, Jan 17, 12:24am
its the ethanol contermination causing rust in diesel and the ulsd is not lubricating enough on somebatches of fuel causing premature wear of injectors , injectors then spray outside the designed moulde of the piston and melt a holecause borewash etc. to destroy the engine. thats only on direct injected diesel. part of the fix is also fitting dlc injector nozzles.

beetle46, Jan 17, 12:38am
the amount of injectors that have come into this country for hiluxs in the last 6 years and you recon its because of dodgy macanics ! give me a break buddy.
If its not just an incoveniance to have to chage them its more anoying to have to wait for a plane to arrive with the stock because toyota havent got any in stock. just one thing after another

theyre are gettina bad rap because they should

lmcrae, Jan 17, 1:34am
Unfortunately this is a common problem. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did, my dad used to have one and the injectors crapped out after only 60000ks, serviced regularly too.

intrade, Jan 17, 1:35am
read the other threads

splinter67, Jan 17, 12:42pm
Here is a lesson on cutting costs for you. The mechanic down the road is cheaper than toyota, so he can service my new car but he does not know what is required to keep the service plan, so he changes your oil and maybe your filters. If it had gone to toyota they would have serviced it correctly and you would still be driving your hilux not sitting at your computer telling us that d4d engines are crap. Now can you see that if you had had your hilux serviced by toyota you would have saved money ie you wouldnt be looking for a new engine.
As for the numpties that say toyota should be paying for it get real if anyone apart from the op should be paying it would be the clown that serviced it

beetle46, May 31, 9:16pm
1kd - ftv 3lt turbo, mines goosed

gadgit3, May 31, 10:28pm
Toyota in Tauranga had a new long block for $7k

stevo2, May 31, 10:34pm
Ouch, what happened!

beetle46, Jun 6, 3:25am
injectors, blown injector seals which let enough carbon though to block oil pikup siv and nipped a piston is what we recon and wait for it . . . . 2006 130000 kms and one driver since new, hes over 60 yrs old and drives very carefull, honestly.
What to do any sugestions would be of help!
should Toyota be picking up some of this tab!

outbidyou2, Jun 6, 3:29am
No sorry

3tomany, Jun 6, 4:03am
its a known problem but toyote will tell you to get stuffed.

morrisman1, Jun 6, 4:55am
What a piece of turd, The only thing going for them seems to be the toyota badge.

frytime, Jun 6, 11:06am
follow service requirements and you'll be fine. but agreed not as good as they used to be

3tomany, Jun 6, 4:34pm
i here this but i know of people who have done every service on time by toyota but still have issues with worn injectors around 100-150km

mrcat1, Jun 6, 5:12pm
I have a sheep shagger for sale, he's out in the paddock. He keeps going like the energizer bunny so may be a good replacement.

beetle46, Jun 12, 3:53am
thanks people, ill keep u posted, any more sugestions most welcome

beetle46, Jun 12, 3:57am
Thanks this is not due to late servicing, ever. . . .

boojum, Jun 12, 4:24am
So the injector seats were replaced every 45,000kms!

rkauto, Jun 12, 6:35am
most workshops should no by now to inspect oil pick
up when doing can see it through the drain plug hole.

beetle46, Jun 13, 4:15am
noone had told me or my service agent that they needed to be changed, there for they were never changed.
Does anyone think that Toyota or any other make of vehicle should have let every service agent no that they need to be aware of this kind of service rather than waiting for word of mouth to get round!
I recon there needs to be a website prepared for all mechanics and owners of every vehicles and there common faults. kinda like an advanced dog and lemon guide.
Whats your thoughts

gadgit3, Jun 13, 2:58pm
Not sure why you think Toyota should tell all after market service agents how or whats needed to service there vehicles.As Toyota is Sales , Parts and Service they have no gain in giving away. If your service agent was any good they would have requested a service schedule from a dealer and it would have told him the valve clearances needed checking at 45000kms. and to do that job by the Book the injectors need to be removed.

the-lada-dude, Jun 13, 3:17pm
F M !what a lame excuse that is mate, surely toyota would do everything they can to save their reputation, as building reliable auto manufacturer !
& this is'nt the first time they have F# up badly with their junk deisels
i'm glad aircraft manufacturers dont have this attitude.