Car yards could soon be a thing of the past. ?

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grangies, May 27, 7:10pm

tonyrockyhorror, May 27, 7:18pm

andrea_w, May 27, 7:21pm
I stopped reading as soon as I got to ----> "It comes from car review website Dog and Lemon Guide."

kazbanz, May 27, 7:22pm
Grangies--you have seen who made the suggestion--the same guy that feels that anything that isn't a toyota corolla is an unreliable heap.

Mind you he did get it right on the fiat punto

nightboss, May 27, 7:23pm
Yet another self promotion for the guide mentioned in that link by it's editor, the cut&paste queen of motoring journalism Clive M-W.

patiki1, May 27, 7:26pm
Maybe cheap stuff,new top end cars will always be at a dealer.

pollymay, May 27, 7:42pm
Dealers don't just sell cars, a lot tie in with warranty work and what not. You can't drive a car into the internet to fix it and some people purchase from yards solely on that basis, cause they are less likely to be swindled. Article is full of it.

freedomaira320, May 27, 8:01pm
I think it's a fair comment. Still a while away in NZ but there are trends like this happening elsewhere. Look at how the music and entertainment industries have radically changed - that is also happening in other areas of retail. You go online or call a dealer. He delivers the car (possibly on the back of a truck). You take it for a test drive. If you like it you buy it, or order all the options you want, and also get the service contract with whoever is responsible for servicing it. This is already happening in some other markets. The dealer can keep his yard to a minimum, only needs a warehouse so saves a lot of cost. The buyer doesn't have to leave home or work. It's the future.

bellky, May 27, 8:12pm
Makes sense I spose.

friendly_prawn, May 27, 8:20pm
car yards, who needs them anyway.

I have only bought one car out of a car yard in the last 20 years that i can remember and I sorely regretted the purchase shortly after.
Do we really need car yards anyway!

sorry Kaz:-)

foxdonut, May 27, 8:51pm
That and financing. Financing will always keep car yards alive. The number might decrease, but the same can be said about any retail type business these days.

"Mr Matthew-Wilson says many buyers are now comfortable with buying a car they've neither physically viewed or driven."

This made me lol. The same people that buy cars unseen are the same people that come on these forums and whinge that their car they just brought is a heap of shit and "won't start".

redhead96, May 27, 8:59pm
There is one car dealer on here who doesn't seem to have a yard. Parks them all around the place.

tgray, May 27, 9:05pm
Unlike most countries, NZ does not require car dealers to sell from commercial premises anymore.
You pay the $600 p/year to maintain your dealer registration and can then legally sell as many as you like.

elect70, May 27, 10:21pm
Didnt 1 of thedealerstry sellingHyundaidirectlybut the othernew car dealersthreatened to pull out of LMVDas it was called then if they didntstop it . They saw it as an unfair advantage.

freedomaira320, May 27, 10:44pm
I think a few people are confusing dealers with yards. There will always be car dealers, be it middlemen or directly owned by the factory. But it's the physical yards that may eventually disappear, as the process of selling cars changes, and buyers use the web a lot more to make their purchase decisions.

pollymay, May 27, 10:57pm
I'm really not.

In any case you need to store the cars in a place where they can be accessed and moved. It would be a facility that offers services on the car, they'd probably have the prices on them, someone to ask questions and show them the vehicle. This place would have an office, keep records and have an area to wash/groom the cars nicely to present them to interested parties. They would take trade ins meeting with customers on a regular basis, we would call this great place a sales yard.

bellky, May 27, 11:01pm
Or a warehouse.

freedomaira320, May 27, 11:08pm
Not necessarily. What is happening overseas is that some dealers carry virtually no stock. They just have access to a bunch of demonstrator models, and order direct from the factory or a wholesaler when a sale is made. Or if they're selling used cars they have an online inventory of the cars they can sell, which are all held by a separate wholesaling company who prepare the cars for sale. No actual yard as we know it. It's by no means a universal trend, but it is the direction things are going.

pollymay, May 27, 11:15pm
We as a country buy poxy used POS imports, the "stock" is all used stuff of various km's, condition, age and type. That is the biggest market, I don't see nearly as many new dealers as I do people peddling all sorts of used junk in this country.

kazbanz, May 27, 11:57pm
Heres the thing though guys. I sold 6 cars this weekend.
In two cases the customers indeed could have had the car taken to them-they had made the buying decision subjest to a drive
in two cases the customers saw our stock of the specific kind of vehicle they wanted and wanted to look at a range. Pictures dont tell them what they needed to know.
but also in two cases they diddn't have a clue what they wanted-They needed to look /sit touch the cars to help them decide even what TYPE of vehicle they wanted let alone the make model/year.
I can see more and more dealers just having a wharehouse facility and a small display area but I don't see them disapearing forever

xs1100, May 28, 2:06am
can somebody explain to me please what qualification that clive clown actually has in regards to how his opinion is held in such regard by some in the media.everything i have heard him say is either (A) common knowledge (B) absolute dribble yet he seems to have a huge following

kdcentralni, May 28, 2:26am
Warehouses are more expensive to lease than the corner car yard as they have more uses the warehouses. The corner site with the small office is only really good for parking cars. There will always be guys who know how to make money out of used cars and have established clientele.

murray55, May 28, 2:37am
Exactly .how on earth has he wormed his way into the media when he knows zilch about cars.I guess it just goes to show how gullible the general public are.

redhead96, May 28, 2:40am
Councils have bylaws

kazbanz, May 28, 3:05am
your point is!