Motor noters

elect70, Jul 2, 9:03pm
from local rag by a Colin smithabout new audi A6&7 " The A6 &A7 are different solutions to a similar question . The A7 is a design led car with a coupe5door configuration for drivers wanting to express themselves " .Who dreams up this crapspeak ,always thoughta coupe wasa 2 doorWTF does express themselves mean, sounds likehaving a wank .It also claims that Audi is NZ biggest selling luxury car !

dave653, Jul 4, 12:09am
Don't believe everything you read, or hear or see on telly!

cjohnw, Jul 4, 12:30am
I was following an Audi the other day and his personalised plate said "5 RINGS".

Thought to myself: I can already see it's an Audi you tosspot!

dave653, Jul 4, 12:40am
However. Audi's have 4 rings! Olympics have 5!

cjohnw, Aug 27, 7:42am
Ooops, sorry. Maybe the plate said "4 rings".

Memory not what it once was - unfortunately.

Think I'll have another beer too.