What fuel should I use for my

inkapuka, Jun 3, 1:09am
Vx01 v6 comodore berlina have only had car 4 around 6 weeks and have only run it with 91

carlz05, Jun 3, 1:43am
Should run on 91, I've had one of these and run on 91 all the way.Presume its a V6!

inkapuka, Jun 3, 1:59am
I have already said its a v6 read it.

00basil00, Jun 3, 2:01am
Use 95, you will get better economy

aragorn2003, Jun 3, 2:03am
Settle Gretle jeez , you wanted help then you snap back like that.

thewomble1, Jun 3, 6:56am
If that's the way to snap at help. bugger if I am going to help ya.

omega12, Jun 3, 7:20am
Yes, maybe you should sell it. It's obviously too complicated for you.

whqqsh, Jun 3, 2:16pm
by the sound of this a tank of diesel every 2nd fill will help immensly

michelle322, Jun 3, 3:31pm
Vx v6 is recommended to run on the 91,says that in the glove box manual that comes with vehicle.

mugenb20b, Jun 3, 3:35pm
91 minimum. You can use higher octane.