Using heaps of fuel

hfc2, Jun 15, 2:17am
Heard of a client with either an escort or a laser with bad fuel economy, she took it to local ford dealer complaining of consumption. Mechanics tuned it , drove it all good/ client picked up vehicle and was back within the week still complaining of fuel consumption. Mechanic decided to go for a drive with the elderly lady,All good till she pulled the chohe full out and hung her umbrella on it! true story!

cjdnzl, Jun 15, 3:15am
I heard that story about 40 years ago, supposedly happened to a Wellington garage, and the lady hung her handbag on the choke .

modie61, Jun 15, 3:21am
Was a lady customer at Dominion Motors with an 1100.
I worked at the local Datsun agents around the same time,we sold a 120y Coupe auto to a dear ol lady who rang up about 1 month after delivery and said her car wouldnt start this morning. We went round and found it was out of fuel,her excuse was that she thought the car was automatic and would refuel itself,lol,true story. Lovely lady.

mrfxit, Jun 15, 3:55am
LOL yea like the old story of the old lady driving a manual Austin 1100 driving at max revs everywhere.
Only EVER got in to 2nd gear & THAT was only because she took it out of town.

This 1's true, I used to see her driving it a lot, 'back in my young days'
About the same time there was another old lady that had a Morris minor 1000 , Same deal

stevexc, Jun 15, 5:00pm
I remember an old lady in Chch used to do that.She was murdered :O

mrfxit, Jun 15, 5:40pm
NOT . surprised