Ooops. Httpnzsportsyahoocomopinionsshow3170628when a skateboarder takes on a truck

friendly_prawn, Jun 15, 1:38am

andrea_w, Jun 15, 1:50am
hahahahahahahahahahahaha what an idiot!
That'll learn him .(but probably not)

At what point did he think blindly crossing a road was a good idea!!

a18a, Jun 15, 1:51am
lol owned

gammelvind, Jun 15, 2:55am
What a plonker, lucky for him he wasn't roadkill.

mrfxit, Jun 15, 11:18pm
LOL ouch LOL ouch LOL ouch
it only hurts when I laugh . OUCH !

Note the dude withthe camera took a while to react, yea like " na dude, he's fine, he's going to get up soon & laugh, . soon"

hopie, Jun 17, 7:01pm
I watched it 3 times, it was actually THAT funny