any rebels here not paying! im certainly thinking about it.
Jul 13, 1:44am
ive got two bikes and just swap plates but yeh im defintly thinking what you are
Jul 13, 1:47am
just heard on the news that if you get caught with no rego, its a $150 fine. Thats not bad really. you could get pulled over 3 times and still cost less than actually paying the rego!
Jul 13, 1:49am
be carfully jon with keys might read this or the knutsack guy.
Jul 13, 1:49am
yeh thats rite so just have reg on hold and were all good if we keep to the speed limit (LOL) there shouldnt be any tickets
Jul 13, 1:50am
I have a better plan but I wont share it publicly. So there!
Jul 13, 1:50am
party pooper.
Jul 13, 1:51am
do tell
Jul 13, 1:53am
I'd love to share it, but if everyone did it it would loose its effectiveness.
Jul 13, 1:53am
im still paying one off so got to reg it for 4 more months then im free
Jul 13, 1:55am
bought new bike that was fully up to wof standard but hard to justify the expense, just so bicyclist can gravel rash themselves on my dime
Jul 13, 2:17am
There is demerits on this now fellas. If you get stung riding with a bike that is reg on hold they will want your plates when you next put it on hold.
Jul 13, 2:51am
So i guess if you dont pay your rego you cant expect the insurence to cover you when you crash.
Jul 13, 2:53am
Actually you can. I've never heard of a lack of current vehicle licence being the cause of an accident before.
The insurance companies will probably try and weasel out of it, but they have to honor your claim.
Jul 13, 2:59am
So it could be cheaper to pay your rego.
Jul 13, 3:04am
one of the detector camera vans was out west auck this afternoon and the cops had about 10 cars to the side who got detected . no motorbikes though .
Jul 13, 3:58am
Register it as a trailer. Make of trailer. Honda.
Jul 13, 4:02am
Excuse my ignorance but what sort of detector vans! And what are they looking for! Do they go off plates or reg barcode!
You know they're committed to road safety when not paying license fees carries demerit points but going through red lights doesn't.
Jul 13, 6:48am
Yup, been around a while. Good on them, you only have to fear it if you have a warrant out for your arrest or you have something to hide.
Jul 13, 6:50am
Good on ya john, tow the line ol chap.
Jul 13, 6:54am
For future reference johnf_456 and not everyone is a outlaw. Hardly fair to people who pay there way through life.
Jul 13, 3:41pm
they are not used to catch people for no rego, just stolen cars and wanted people.
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