Blood thirsty Fuel co's

gadgit3, Jul 13, 5:30am
Yip put $240 through the van in the last 2 weeks and have to fill her again tomorrow . there goes another $140 lol

djrandomguy, Jul 13, 5:44am
three words. Common rail diesel.

pollymay, Jul 13, 5:51am
I'd rather start distilling my own ethanol using a used oil fueled furnace and roll along like a boss with the sweetest smelling exhaust in town, it's kinda fun as well, drinkable to if you like firewater. I chuck ethanol in the lawnmower every now and again as a mix when I have random stuff I'm not using, and racegas. I have the fastest best smelling mower in the street.

robotix1970, Jul 13, 5:53am
3 option here., (1) buoy cot all the petrol stations (2) make your own bio-fuel out of used cooking oil / fat as it's easy to do (3) car pool everywhere
or go green and cycle (way-cheaper)

gadgit3, Jul 13, 5:55am
Can't run the 'ol van on that stuff tho

robotix1970, Jul 13, 5:58am
you can if you know how to do it properly or cut a hole in the floor and install cycle pedals with a heavy-duty chain for the driveshaft

gadgit3, Jul 13, 6:03am
Nup won't run on the stuff I grabed a 20l drum of petrol diesel mix one day thinking it was good petrol lol and then spent the next week or so flushing the system trying to get the dam spark plugs from getting black. so don't think the cooking oil will do any better lol those 1UZ's just don't like it

pollymay, Jul 13, 6:03am

stevo2, Jul 13, 1:11pm
You might have to feather the throttle a bit. try to resist the temptation to "bury the pedal" while listening to that sweet V8.

bleetbleet, Sep 8, 8:49pm
option 4 build a stil and run car on moonshine.race revenue agents around gravel roads at midnight with the lights off in souped up old dodges,learn to play the banjo and marry ya own sister.i think i lost track some