State run car yards?

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mopeds, Jul 5, 4:39pm
From each according to ability, to each according to need

neville48, Jul 5, 4:53pm
Not when yur dealing with a crooked. yes crooked car dealer [they are out there y'know] that knowingly sells a piece of crap to a person not equiped with the nouse to sort the whole deal, finance and vehicle condition, don't close your mind to intelligent people that fit this category, theres plenty out there but they just roll over and pay because they can, bottom line is they still were ripped off be it finance or vehicle condition. Bring on Phil Goffs used auto's."All our cars are equal, but some are more equal than others"

kazbanz, Jul 12, 8:02pm
This has reared its ugly headagain.was discussed on Cambell live last night

klrider, Jul 12, 11:08pm
Plenty of people are poor throughthe fault of themselves. Plenty of people could do better but are just to lazy.

kazbanz, Jul 12, 11:33pm
Actually Ya know what -ignoring your earlier rant -this bit actually really makes sense.
Now there actually has to be a job opertunity in this for someone/someones.
A person or persons who goes around the high schools educating kids about money management once they get into the real world.
I think thats about as important as food etc.

mefloppychops, Sep 6, 10:45am
Good on yer mate