Your council is consideringhaving Parking Wardens prowling the various private mall carparks looking for un-warranted and un-registered cars.Not sure that they have the right to ticket cars in private carparks but the council wants more money so be warned.
Jun 12, 3:05pm
it was my understanding i did not require a wof or registration on private property
Jun 12, 3:36pm
I'm quoting from a news item -seems some of Hamilton's councillorswant the right to prosecute such vehicles in mall car parks. As these are generally privately ownedit raises the issue ofhow far can they go. As you point out they cannot "ticket" them at the momentbut it seems they want to. I guess it would need a Government Act to allow it but I bet a lot of councils would also like to be able to "ticket" them as well.
Jun 12, 3:49pm
Wont affect me unless I forget. But there should be a 7 day leway to get the car rego'ed and wof'd for the genuine people that just forget or dont realise. Then fine is wiped. But that could cost more than its worth.
Jun 12, 3:49pm
If it is open to public access,they can book you,even if it is privately owned. It stinks, but i think that is the law.
Jun 12, 3:59pm
having battled Hamilton traffic this morning, perhaps they could refocus on a driver education programme. Simple things - like not stopping in clearways, not indicating right when going through roundabouts, not turning right in the left lane of roundabouts, not simply stopping in the middle of the road to drop people off.
Jun 12, 4:37pm
You are Wrong. If they were able to do that it would have been done by now.
Jun 12, 6:07pm
They are thinking about making it part of future resource consents too, its a have its not about traffic safety or they would be having meetings with the police to have it enforced instead of trying to line their own pockets with silver.
Jun 12, 7:52pm
I guess you could have a philosophical debate with them about how your unwarranted, unregistered car COULD have somehow made it into the supermarket carpark without being driven in an illegal condition on a public road!
[Seriously - if you're unwarranted and unregistered, then you're also effectively uninsured. Get off the road. And stop playing the victim card.]
Jun 12, 9:25pm
Mate thats not the half of it haha. Last night I was following some nut bar that went in the left lane of the roundabout. Travelled all the way around and went off at the exit they could have just gone left on! Talk about shi_ driving!
Jun 12, 11:43pm
Yip there sure are some 'special' drivers in Hamilton!
I suspect this has nothing to do with safety but is more to do with revenue (as usual). The councils own greed has seen them shooting themselves in the foot. Its hard not to notice the empty shops popping up everywhere in the CBD as (no doubt) a direct result of their greed forcing people out of business as they can no longer pay ludicrous leases/rates. Plus the CBD has become a parking meter forest.
The greedy council has a big problem; The Base in Te Rapa. The Tainui really have trumped them here and have shown fantastic business prowess. To make the councils problems worse The Base has free parking! The councils gutter police cannot ticket cars on this private land and with less patronage in the CBD they will have lost revenue.
The motivation for this is greed, plain and simple. Ironic when considering that its greed that has got them in to this situation in the first place.
Jun 12, 11:49pm
Have you never in your life changed your mind about something! It doesn't mean they were nuts - it probably means they just remembered the wife said to get milk or pick up the kids.
Jun 12, 11:52pm
Agree but some people dont think that people can change their mind. For them its one way all the way.
Jun 12, 11:56pm
yes, but i don't then pull ridiculous illegal moves. I continue up the road and turn around where it is safe!
Jun 13, 12:33am
So doesnt mean it gives you the excuse to drive like an idiot. Could have gone straight then did a u turn when safe!
Jun 13, 1:55am
Our council tickets and clamps cars in our mall carpark,been doing it for some time now. It is classed as a public road,in fact in Wellington the drivers licence tester makes you drive through mall car parks to see if you obey the speed limit,which in 1 mall is 10kph.
Jun 13, 2:06am
Not true, the insurance companys may use it as a reason but do some more research. Unless the car had a defect which contributed to the crash then its not a a valid reason, insurance companies try it on.
A tax sticker on the window is not a valid reason.
Jun 13, 2:18am
bashfulbro you are correct that is the case, open to public then ticket away. has been done in westfield malls for tears.
Jun 13, 2:21am
woohoo let's all go to Hamilvegas yeha got the cowhorn transfer in the back window of the ute & the 12 gauge is primedyee haarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,, oh forgot the skull with the german helmet LOL
Jun 13, 2:26am
But in Hamilton you cannot turn round and go back.
Jun 13, 2:46am
is the best part of Hamilton when you see it in your rear vision mirror LOL
Jun 13, 4:07am
hahahStill better than auckland!
Jun 13, 7:44pm
Good on them, they should wait out side the ticket boom and as they driver out check em, ticekt em and / or tow em. That will keep all the crappy cars off the road to a degree.
Jun 13, 8:52pm
soon the councils will want to ticket your incomplete project car that's parked on your own private driveway that's out of wof and rego. greedy pricks[councils].
Jun 14, 5:04am
well is that as bad as drivers who travel the inside lane & decide to cut into the left turning traffic! (forcing their way into the left lane)
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