Ef fairmont air bag light

teddybear9, Jun 5, 12:37am
What could make the light blink on the dash, could it be the monitor!
Any mechanics be able to help so that i can get the part to take it to be fixed.

andrea_w, Jun 5, 12:47am
A fault with the SRS system will make the light flash. your car needs to go on diagnostics toisolate the fault.

tatts2, Jun 5, 12:58am
Have always hardwired the connecter under the seats.They seem to all do that.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 5, 1:05am
Have you had a flat battery recently!

unbeatabull, Jun 5, 1:13am
Very common to happen after battery has been low. Try disconnecting battery for 10 minutes and reconnect.

If it comes back after that, will most likely be the pre-tensioner plugs under the seat, as above common practise to hardwire them in place.

kingfisher21, Jun 5, 1:28am
EF's don't have pretensioners, disconnect the battery, check all the fuses in the dash panel, down by the bonnet release, one will be blown, replace. Reconnect battery and try that.

bigfatmat1, Jun 5, 4:14am
same fuse as reverse lights btw. the controllers are also a common failure and a pig to get out! but a accurate diagnossis is what is needed

teddybear9, Jun 5, 4:39am
have reset battery eg disconnecting have checked fuses inside the car but not under the bonnet looks like might be a sparky job to access it, hmmm.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 5, 5:28am
No, you just need to bridge the correct connectors on the OBD plug to clear the fault.

unbeatabull, Jun 5, 5:50am
Unless its a hard code then it will come back up as soon as key is switched on again.