Help on wiring up XF fairmont to a 302 winsdor

fordman62, Jan 3, 12:00am
no and got no hair left lol

elect70, Jan 3, 9:06pm
Take a wire direct frombattery to coil & try it ,points gap is.013 -.018 incoil resistancefiring orderbosch primary 1.4-1.54 ohmssecondary 8000-8800 ohmsfiring order 13726548front to rearr bank1234 l bank 5678. this fromfairlane zf manuali still have after I did 302 cinto xd panel van . might help. Get#1cylinder on TDCcompression stroke & checkrotor pointing to#!spark .

quickstitch, Jan 3, 10:24pm
windsor not same firing order as cleveland. there are two firing orders for windsor, depending on which cam it has

fordman62, Dec 3, 2:13am
i have spark in coil and pointsbut wont kick into life
any help would be great

rojill, Dec 3, 2:15am
Plugs sparking and in right order !

Timing right !

fordman62, Dec 3, 2:19am
yeap i have dropped a good runner in it but the wiring in the xf is all digital so there must be a wire that powers everything i just not sure where it is

almosttherenow, Dec 3, 2:49am
does it have fuel at the carb/injection!

ljack, Dec 3, 4:16am
*If you have spark at coil/ points, then you should have spark at plugs when cranking, unless you have fault in dizzy cap or HT leads.

*Done a XF to 302c myself, so as for the power wire as long as the wire going into the coil + is 12v when key is at the ACC and crank position and 0v in off position then that will work fine.

*Check voltage to Coil + when cranking to ensure the coil is still getting the volts it needs to create the spark, if volts to the coil is too low the coil wont produce a spark powerful enough to jump the spark plug gap. But will show a good spark at the points when check due to no battery load when cranking

*If all good and strong spark at the plugs whilst cranking, check timing, ensure you have correct rotation direction of the dizzy to the engine,

* if it has spark and wrong timing it may backfire or splutter, indicatingspark, if no backfiring or spluttering, might pay to check fuel.

fordman62, Dec 3, 1:38pm
it had a rattrap starter in it and am still got same coil do i need new one the motor came from running car just carnt find the right wires to start it

jash3, Dec 3, 4:57pm
So is the motor turning over!

fordman62, Dec 3, 11:49pm
yes the motor is turning over it just wont start

fordcrzy, Dec 3, 11:51pm
silly question but was the XF injected or carb!

fordman62, Dec 4, 1:57am

fordcrzy, Dec 4, 2:10am
some XFs had an electronic igntion module on them and only energised the igntion relay when the dizzy was ok.there may be a wire that goes to the igniton main relay that needs to be energised.

fordman62, Dec 4, 2:11am
where would i find that wire

fordcrzy, Dec 4, 2:17am
the electronic modules were in the passengers footwell just in front of the door.if it was fitted with electronic ignition then thats where the module for the exact wire.well i have no idea. but a haynes manual has the diags.I had a 86 sportpac wagon that was carb/electronic ignition that i bought in aussie.

fordcrzy, Dec 4, 2:18am
where are you feeding the coil from! are you using the original power wire from the 6cyl coil! are you getting 12 to it!

fordman62, Dec 4, 10:55pm
right ive found the module . and i do have a manual for it . it does have a 6 cyl coil fittedthe only way im getting the car to turn over is a pig tail wire from the ignition to the starter motor .at this stage i do have spark only in the coil and points

so much for just a qick weekend of changing it from the 6cyl to the V8 lol

fordcrzy, Dec 5, 1:17am
yes thats sounds right.
you need to find a relay thats named "main igniton relay" or similar and see if that turning on when you turn the bet it isnt. it will be a simple case of finding the wire from the module to the relay, and then running a new wire from the ignition switch to the relay OR you could find the switched power wire to the module and simply cutting the in/out wires at the module and joining them so you get 12v to the relay when the key is turned.

fordcrzy, Dec 5, 1:24am
oh dont be surprised if the rev counter doesnt work as i think the counter is pulsed from the module and not the dizzy.

fordcrzy, Dec 5, 2:23am
i may have put you wrong re: the relay.its possible that there isnt one in the xf's and the module is fed from the ignition switch direct.just in case your hunting for it.:)

fordman62, Dec 5, 2:33am
cheers for that fordcrzy that my mission after work 2moro so will let ya know how i get on cheers

fordcrzy, May 29, 2:06am
how did you get on! sorted it!