Comes on intermittent, is this an easy fix and cleaning something behind the steering whee! Cheers
Nov 6, 11:58pm
Quite often is the pre-tensioners under the front seats, clean all the contacts etc, check wiring etc and see if that fixes it. If not sometimes disconnecting and reconnecting the battery after 5 mins will reset it, otherwise you will need to do a Diagnostic on the ECU and see what code its storing
Nov 6, 11:59pm
Most of the time, it's a dirty connection. No idea about Fairmonts, but Escorts and Mondeos had a known connection issue under the LF passenger seat (code 4).
Nov 7, 12:43am
As above, Code 4 is Pre-tensioners.
Nov 7, 12:47am
LMAO, what pretensioners!
Nov 7, 12:50am
EF's don't have pre-tensioners, more likely to be the clock spring, are all the steering wheel controls working!
Nov 7, 1:27am
Woops, got model years mixed up!
Quite often EF's are caused by the fuse or flat battery, and won't be reset until disconnecting battery and reconnecting. Otherwise possibly clock spring or drivers airbag.
Nov 7, 2:17am
Sweet as, take the steering wheel off i presume!
Nov 7, 2:23am
NO! Don't go there unless you're 101% sure you know what you're doing.
Nov 7, 2:30am
the fuse on the models around that year were known to blow for no reason. check ALL the fuses in your fuse box and replace the ABS /Brake lamps and airbag circuit fuses as a precaution.sometimes the fuses look ok but they are only making intermittant contact where you cant see the wire inside the fuse
Feb 7, 8:02am
not my car so ill give it a go lol
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