Best way to start a motor thats been sitting along

burnzrubba, Jul 13, 10:07pm
Whats the best way to start a motor thats been sitting for 10+ years!Was thinking take spark plugs out put crc in there and leave to soak a cupple days, new oil and water antifreeze take coil lead off and turn over till oil pumped up. any thing else!

sas777, Jul 13, 10:13pm
Sounds good, I'd use diesel not crc. Turn by hand a couple of revolutions.
Remove all your intake piping for a good look. Check for frayed and dangerous wiring. Check muffler is in one piece.
Start up outside with fire extinguisher handy

elect70, Jul 13, 10:21pm
If its injectedflush fuel lines first

skyblue17, Jul 13, 10:27pm
WD-40 even better

easygoer, Jul 13, 10:36pm
What would be the recommendation for a new motor that has never been started since manufacture in 2005, 5L injected V8

cuda.340, Jul 14, 12:44am
10+ years! i'd say it's a semi strip to investigate the state of the bores & the valve seats will be rusty so a burnt valve is not far away. there's no cheap way out if you're expecting a good reliable long term motor.

donz01, Jul 14, 2:07am
I bought a rover v8 car of a man a couple years ago. He had kept it under a tarp for ten years. I took it home on a trailer. Checked the oil which appeared cleanish, there was still water in the radiator so I got a battery and wound it over a couple of times with the coil lead removed. Fitted the coil lead and tried to start it. It did start once we added some fuel through the carny and it ended up being a great motor.

motorboy2011, Jul 14, 2:16am
turning igntion does this anyway as it primes the pump.

m16d, Jul 14, 2:23am
Turn it over slowly by hand 1st to make sure you havn't got a stuck valve thats going to get hit by a piston.

rb_slider, Jul 14, 3:09am
bit of brake fluid followed by some autotrans oil {the red stuff}. turned a few rotary motors over using this method, cant see why it wouldnt work on piston, smokey as but clears up after a few minutes.

quickstitch, Jul 14, 6:56pm
is it a pushrod motor! if so, remove rocker gear and give each valve a tap with a mallet to free them up. dont do it with piston at TDC. Otherwise any sticky valves will bend the pushrods. make sure the cam has a good coating of oil over it before firing up. dont wind over on starter to get oil pressure up. At low revs the oil will take forever to reach the top of the motor and you will do more damage than good. run some oil over the top of the motor then just fire it up, but dont over rev it, just bring the revs up to about 2000