Is an mr2 motor an interferance motor?

motorboy2011, Jul 13, 4:02am
sw20 engine, the belts slipped, will it have hit the valves!

skin1235, Jul 13, 4:07am
they are claimed to be, but reset the new belt to correct timing and try compression tests etc, they do sometimes manage to snap a belt and survive

motorboy2011, Jul 13, 4:10am
asking on behalf, because of this.!v=_fC9MKAtvPQ

a18a, Jul 13, 4:15am
i had a snapped cam belt on a st183 3s-ge (not sure if same motor), but none of the valves where bent.

skin1235, Jul 13, 4:26am
now if you had posted the vid previous.-
heads off, new valves
new belt
get some grease on the cam bearings and get full oil pressure before connecting ignition next time

edit, yep 3sge, and they do sometimes get away with it, but that sounded terminal

sw20, Jul 13, 6:15am

They are non interference.