Gps trackers for farm bikes

skiff1, Jul 10, 2:53am
veiws, reviws and advice please

motorboy2011, Jul 10, 3:41am
do you have reliable cell reception!

skiff1, Jul 10, 4:55am
Dont really know, I guess it depends where the thieving buggers take them! my farms generally have ok reception, but not 100%

v8_mopar, Jul 10, 5:00am
Park it with the dogs

oh and stop feeding the dogs so much. Its bond to make them hungry for strangers

motorboy2011, Jul 10, 5:01am
ah I was thinking more you were planing on tracking your farm hands! I really cant recommend gps tracking more, my car was stolen and within 2 minutes of finding out it was gone, I had an address, 30 min after that i had the car in my sights. Even if your bikes are put in a garage and have no gps signal, it will still be able to give you its last known position, which will likely be just near the garage.