Driving Wellington To Ohakune?

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gusthe1, Jul 1, 2:25am
left Ohakune at 12:00 today. Arrived in Thorndon Wellington at 3:30. One coffee stop at Taihape.

zephyrheaven, Jul 1, 2:32am
Nice! Yeah I dont speed much anyway, travel around 105ish most of the time - the older I get etc.

zephyrheaven, Jul 1, 3:09am
Wouldnt mind a new drive car for the trip, might take dad & my oldest boy with me for laughs - hmmm Mk2 Zodiac would be nice

modie61, Jul 1, 3:17am
Cops based at Ohakea weigh station take no prisoners,ive been told they ticket even their own kind,and they dont get off either,you didnt hear that from me though.

zephyrheaven, Jul 1, 3:19am
Cops with scales - Mermaids

neville48, Jul 1, 3:40am
Hush your mouth man !you're obviously dilerious [or some other word spelt similarly]