anyone got any pics of cars racing or parked up!Life in the fast lane falcon,Daves silver 440 valiant pacer, the big block black victor,scottys 327 torana,.
Jun 25, 1:44am
Do you mean the legal stuff- Manukau street races,Beumont street races or the illegal night drags!
Jun 25, 1:51am
same as Christchurch street races down carlye st those were the good old days hardly ever saw a copper down there, as long as you werent being a di**kh**d you were left alone, Any other places around NZ back in the 70-80s that had " street racing"
Jun 25, 2:03am
One of coolest "auckland" cars I remember was Mark Bardslys{sp} green ute "slimer".But that was in the 90s.
Jun 25, 2:10am
This brings back memories, I remember a time wasting slacker that working at a servo on Quay St giving free oil to be used to a Victor for use in burnouts. Any resemblance to myself and that slacker is purely coincidental.
Jun 25, 2:17am
There was a whole thread about this about a year ago with a link to a site with heaps of pics.
cool pics alright Rob_man but am looking for cars of the mid to late 80s on Neilson street,,Kerrs rd and down by the oil storage tanks on rosscommon rd.I recognized a few faces in those pics.
Jun 25, 4:26am
I remember the scenes well. Had a mate with a well set up holden, tuned by Derek at New Lynn tuning centre (anyone remember him!). We were all in it one night down MacLaughlans road in Sth Akl when a guy in a RX3 challenged him to a drag, the guy was all mouth.His mates all climbedout to lighten the load. We started to get out but Glenn told us to stay in, he wasnt worried. Sure enough, this old HG blew the rotary into the weeds. Funny as hell.
Jun 25, 5:20am
Don't remember that but do remember the blown/tubbed HB Viva around Avondale, that car was the coolest thing around.
Jun 25, 5:20am
I remember the Neilson St era, I was working in Angle St at that time and Edinburgh St before that. I saw Trevor Morris lying dead next to a power pole one day. Edit. I had the red Mk I Jaguar with the 327 in it.
Jun 25, 3:53pm
Palmy was Keith Street. Every town must have one aye! The most popular weapon of choice were HT/G's or HQ's if you were a Holden fan . 253 and 308's were the mainstay but a few had SB Chebbies in them. The quicker ones were the V8 powered Torana's. The real wild ones were dragstrip refugee's in the form of V8 Viva's and the like. Only a few around and brutally quick for the time and tires available. If you were into Fords it was XT's and W's and those beautifully shaped XA Coupes. Clevo's all of them. If you were like me and liked the underdog of the day . you stuck true to Valiant's. The 318's could stick with the aussie V8's but struggled against most others (like I gave a sh1t) If only US Chrysler had of seen fit to send a few Cuda's, Darts and Challengers down our way then Valiant might have been more than a Wogwagan, hehe! Nevermind . there always existed a certain feeling of 'smuggness' . that no natter how it was cut - in the top echelons of dragracing . there was never a Ferd of Cheb donk with enuff firepower to stick a Chrysler Hemi on the trailer during runoffs :)))
Jun 25, 4:44pm
LMAO, i remember the Victor quite well.
I was doing my time as a car painter apprentice in Takanini and one of my mates worked for Southern Districts Towing and drove one of the Chev' powered J0-J1 Bedford towtrucks.
Keep in mind that was well before Government regulation was in place regarding who could tow where.
We used to go to Queen st every Fri'-Sat' night and just cruise up & down waiting for someone to come unstuck.
Rumour has it that some drivers of certain tow trucks would put a little oil down on the corners of streets running off Queen just to liven things up for joe public, suffice to say a tow truck was never far away when things came un-done LOL.
I know some of you will remember the SD Bedfords running up and down Queen st.
NOTE: If i'm ever asked, i was never there, i don't know anything 'bout no oil, as a matter of fact the above may be a lie even ;)
Jun 25, 5:40pm
I used to go down to Onehunga in my big block 67 mustang.after friday night queen street/waterfront cruising we'd head in convoy there.the street was lined with people.I remember a 57 chev drag car trailered there.
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