Auto Electrical advice on a Sunday - Please

bella-boo, Jun 24, 12:02am
Hi all.Got a 351C going into my car - long story - but now have a dual points Accell dizzy going into that, and an MSD Blaster 2 coil sitting around.Are these actually compatable!I have a feeling the answer will be 'no', so .What is the ideal coil for the dizzy, and do I need a ballast resistor!And if so, what OHMs should I be looking for!Any help on a Sunday afternoon appreciated.Cheers guys.

bigfatmat1, Jun 24, 4:00am
No coil is for electronic ignition. it will destroy your points and you only need a ballast for a 6v coil around 1.5 ohms for the resistor

bella-boo, Jun 24, 2:58pm
Thought so, thanks.