Rear Demister not working where do I go?

keeweee, Jun 21, 7:27pm
I have a Toyota Corolla and the above hasn't worked for sometime, I got a friend to check the fuses and no problem, and the wires in the back, couldnt see anything wrong there either. Do I take it to an auto electrician or an auto repairer, Yes I have no idea on cars just how to drive them and ensure they have the basics water oil and gas. Oh and I do know about oil changes lol. Any help would be appreciated.

johnf_456, Jun 21, 7:51pm
Do you have a test light or multimeter, easiest way would be to turn the switch on and see if you have power at the window. If you do its a fault with the window demister lines on the glass which probably needs replacing.

fiatracer, Jun 21, 8:18pm
if the heating strips are physically damaged,t here is a metallic paint pen you can get - you draw a line joining up so the electricity can be conducted.

tonyrockyhorror, Jun 21, 8:31pm
They appear to have visually checked, but they should check for continuity across the terminals so with a multimeter, once they've determined it's getting power that far. Of course, one broken line won't stop it working - they all have to be broken for it to stop entirely.

Sounds like either a power, switch or earth problem.

keeweee, Jun 21, 9:02pm
I don't have a test light or multimeter, could I take it somewhere just for them to test it out and see if it is the power and if it is the lines would it be expensive to replace! Thanks all :)

johnf_456, Jun 21, 9:11pm
Any auto sparky should be able to test it for you free. It takes half a min if that to check it has power at the back.

skyblue17, Jun 21, 10:54pm
Yes or autoglass guy. Few here will be astounded that a Corolla had a fault at all

keeweee, Jun 21, 11:33pm
Awesome thank you. Will contact an auto electrician. Skyblue, my car has been brilliant the only problem I have had with it is other cars like smacking into it.

skyblue17, Jun 21, 11:57pm
Yeah shopping trolleys at the supermarket too eh! Gotta love windy Wgtn