Cigg lighter in rear ofbighorn to power boat winch
Feb 4, 3:11am
hi i have a ciggertte lighter built into the rear of the 97 izuzu bighorn near the back doors and was wondering if i could plug into there to use on my winch for my boat, rather than running power wires directly to the battery it says 120watt12 volts written on it any help greatly appeciated
Feb 4, 3:37am
What is the power rating of the winch. 120 watt at 12 volt is 10 amp.
Feb 4, 3:39am
it'll all turn to tears rather quickly is my guess
Feb 4, 3:46am
Depends on what it's fused at. My guess would be 15A because that's generally what they are. So at 120W you're OK.But that seems awfully low for a winch. it must be very slow.
Feb 4, 4:55am
Those power winches like a good supply. I have run some 6mm twin direct from the battery (via a fuse) to the back of my vehicle and terminated in a decent socket. Have then shortened the supplied leads that came with the winch down so they are no longer than they need to be. It now pulls much better than it did with the original leads and is much less inclined to thermal out (I am pulling a reasonably heavy boat). Don't know what they draw current wise but reckon it will be somewhat more than 20A. I wouldn't shag around with a ciggy lighter, there will be too much loss.
Feb 4, 6:16am
I have use a cig lighter socket from the front of a car a few timesbut eventually if blew the fusable link for the lighter, As said the best wat is to rum a heavier wire direct to the battery with a fuse in the line. Easy.
Feb 4, 6:23am
I agree with these guys. I think itll be more hassle than its worth. Just run some 4mm twin core cable through a 30 amp fuse and decent connecting socket at the rear.
Feb 4, 7:16am
hey thanks guys i just bought the truck (97 bighorn 3.1 turbo diesel)and noticed the ciggsocket at the rear and thought i would ask ,,,i used to just carry a spare 660cca battery in the back of my old safari and wire that up to winch the boat out but i agree i think it would be better to run some 4mm or bigger to the batteryunder the hood with a fusible link as thats what my father used to do when the boat was his many thanks
Feb 4, 7:47am
thanks ralphdog1 my boat is 1450 kg so want it right cheers
Feb 4, 9:29am
the first post says 120watts 12volts but dosen,t say that it on the winch or is it written be side the cig lighter
Feb 4, 7:29pm
hi its a 912 powerwinch ,thebook says if the current has to travel 25 feet (from the vehicle battery to the winch )one volt is "lost" for every 8 feet of wire.consequently,only 9 volts are available for use of the winch,as all ratings are given assuming use of this long harness ,preformance(speed and maximum load capacity)will increase markedly as the harness is shortened(up to 25%to30% if the battery is located next to the winch. sooo hmmm maybe the spare battery box in the boot of the truck over running the wire from the battery under the bonnet ,will give it some thought cheers
Feb 4, 7:32pm
that was copied out of the winches handbook
Feb 4, 8:52pm
If you read the manual for that it shows a 60 Amp Circuit Breaker. Big wires that are short are the answer.
Feb 4, 9:02pm
not a stupid solution. saves a lot of fuss and bother
Feb 4, 9:13pm
^^^id go with that too . notice that competition boats all have separate batteryeither permenantleybuilt on the trailer orin back of thetruck for security .
Dec 9, 4:52pm
the fancy (electric over) hydraulic tipping trailers do that also. self contained, no matter what vehicle you use to tow it . etc etc
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