Steering wheel squeaks on my old car

vwork, Jun 17, 11:05pm
My car's a '92 Corolla and the steering wheel has just started squeaking when I turn when I first start driving and seems to be gone by the time I get home again (or do I tune out to it!).

Any concern or nothing to worry about at all! Thanks!

kazbanz, Jun 17, 11:12pm
Theres a few things it could be but Ive noticed often with older cars the contacts for the horn need regreasing

supernova2, Jun 18, 1:57am
What Kaz said and perhaps the top column bush/bearing needs a bit of oil/grease/crc.

vwork, Jun 18, 2:11am
awesome thanks! Mmmm that old CRC smell awaits!

andrewph, Jun 18, 3:28am
It also maybe the horn contact. If you look down between the steering wheel and the column covers, in the gap. you will see it. try putting a little grease on it or the horn ring on the back surface with a screwdriver. that may help

mrfxit, Jun 18, 3:59am
Often teh tip of the horn contact pin is either dry as above or the tip has worn off & it;s the spring touching the ring under the steering wheel.
Fairly easy diy fix either way