97 econovan motor.

myjg33, Aug 7, 10:28pm
does anyone know what engines will bolt into one of these!has a stuffed 2.0 in it at the mo.cheers

bubbles52, Aug 7, 11:43pm
ford courier or mazda b2000.

franc123, Aug 8, 12:53am
as above, get it fixed, you will find out soon enough that good second hand units are very hard to come by.Shagging around trying to fit a Telstar engine (they can't just be plonked in without several mods) or even trying to fit a WL diesel is just more expense and then cert costs on top of that.The 2.0's would be fine if people looked after them properly, especially the cooling systems.Died of a blocked radiator has it!

myjg33, Aug 8, 1:14am
knocking like hell,smoking like a train.was bourt with these issues already there.
so looking at replacing motor with a bolt in from ford or mazda.

zephyrheaven, Sep 22, 8:05am
Easiest to rebuild - can do in place as long as bores only need a hone, did one years ago & motors were $1500 then - cant imagine they have got any cheaper.