Fair go and ezybuy car auctions

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chebry, Jul 26, 11:12pm
Some of us were buyting and selling cars long before 2003

eagles9999, Jul 27, 2:27am
The ONLY way to go.

clck2, Aug 4, 5:42am
I hope fair go has a good lawyer

elect70, Aug 4, 6:40pm
Forlikes Eybuy the car sale is secondary its the finance they want (They own it )particulary low incomepeople, no deposit5 years @ 20%license to print money.

aktow, Aug 7, 10:02am
wrong,, private seller
Check the car has a WOF less than one month old. (Provided the buyer agrees in writing, sellers have the option of selling without a warrant or with a current warrant more than one month old. If the car is sold without a warrant, the buyer must undertake not to take the vehicle on the road except for the purposes of getting a new WOF.)

kazbanz, Aug 12, 4:25pm
Im interested to see the outcome of this one. Not the she said /he saidbut the actual judgement made.

kazbanz, Aug 29, 3:07am
Well so now we know.
Money returned to the customer at the 11th hour

xs1100, Aug 30, 3:59am
yes but pizzed fair go off enough that i doubt this will be the last time theyhave a look at them

kazbanz, Aug 30, 4:36am
I can say that is a fairly safe bet.
Ok sorry can't contain meself.--Guess where the decent replacement car he was standing in front of came from !
He's now the happy owner of a late model good sized Jap sedan.
THIS TIME he had a PPI done by HIS mechanic--at the insistance of the dealer.

sc00bnz, Sep 1, 3:47am
And I couldn't be happier, thank you for going out of your way to make my car purchase a happy experience. I am extremely happy with the car and have been recommending you to all my friends and family.

guest_bruce_robe, Oct 3, 2:15am
How much is Turners paying Gordons pocket in this very personal attack on a bunch of good ol kiwi Car dealers.
We wish the dealers were all like them .
Come on Fair Go, why not go around all the yards in Auckland and see how many overstaying imigrants, people who dont spaek english and cant even be interveiwed and all the other crap who are selling cars.
Why dont you do a story on Turners and ask publicly for quick stories of the "Unhappy victims of Turners".
You wouldnt need a 1 hour time slot.
You would need a flippin whole channel dedicated to it.

Bruce "Speedy" Robertson.

clck2, Oct 5, 3:31pm
back on fair go again now they are changing the laws because of them

murray55, Oct 5, 7:39pm
Bottom line is cars are very difficult to sell at present .very much a buyers market. Offer what you think the vehicle is worth, irrespective of the asking price. That could mean offering half or less than the asking price .if the seller wants to sell they have to accept whatever a buyer will offer .if not it doesn't sell and there are so many others to choose from. The only reason a lot of dealers are still selling is the abundance of guilable buyers who know zilch about cars and fall for the salesperson's bs.

elect70, Oct 5, 10:03pm
They sell a lot to immigrants & the like who have little idea ofindependant checksetc & just go by the dealerssay so, this istheirbread & buttermarketincthe finance whichthey also own .Their contemp fortribunal rulings showhow much theycare,always plenty of mugsjust around the corner .

guest, Oct 24, 3:55pm
Ezy buy are all #$%^ when you make them an offer ..the salesman initially says yes...Then when you come back to buy the car, they suddenly say there has been another offer. They do this 2 or 3 times until they bump you up to as far as they think you can afford. And there is no way to prove they are telling the truth..Its the simpliest/worst scam.