Paint overspray

mileyfan73, Jul 28, 9:18pm
Anyone know a good product to tale overspray off plastic!Last owner of car I have purchased has tried repainting the leather seats and in the process has left overspray on the door trims etc.Wax and grease remover perhaps!

grangies, Jul 28, 9:39pm
What are the door trims finished in! Solvents can be nasty on certain materials.

As for wax and grease remover. It all depends on the type of paint that the overspray is. W&G wont budge 2k.

If the overspray is really bad, then ----YIKES---- you may have a nighmare on your hands.

mileyfan73, Jul 28, 11:00pm
Just your standard plastic used for sills/door trims etc.Car is 99 Accord.Don't know what paint it is,it's flaking of the seats though!Some people lol.Might go and see a car groomer,they might be able to recommend something.

grangies, Jul 28, 11:20pm
You could try a bit of nail polish remover on a small inconspicuous part. Give it a quick firm wet rub, then immediately wipe dry with a clean rag. Same goes with lacquer thinner if you have any. Just don't wet it up too much.

outbidyou2, Jul 28, 11:44pm
Who in their right mind would try and paint leather car seats!

clark20, Jul 29, 12:58am
Take the plastic bit off and see what is wriiten on the back, it might be ABS, then google what chemicals can and can't be used.

nzfatie, Jul 29, 1:16am
DO NOT use that wrecks upholstery.I know as I've tried to use it to remove marks.takes the colour out immediately.!
I was told sugar soap is good for cleaning upholstery!

grangies, Jul 29, 1:23am

Sugar soap will not remove paint overspray. Sugar soap will clean dirt and grime with great results.

The method I mentioned is used a lot in the auto trade on hard plastics. Definitely not on fabrics though. (felt ect)

vingina, Aug 1, 4:35am
use a claybar system bout 50 bucks from repco etc

next-to-normal, Aug 2, 6:15pm
fine steel wool works

rob_man, Aug 3, 2:08am
Grangies is correct, take it from another painter. I can't count the number of times I've had to clean overspray off upholstery.

josie81, Aug 4, 8:54am
Brush and roller cleaner works well, but test first.water neutralizes it immediately, so have a small bowl at hand, and apply gently with one of those green dish