Nissan primera antenna

bob425, Aug 3, 6:29pm
hi,my prob is when i turn the key on the aerial goes so far up then makes a grinding noise.

andrea_w, Aug 3, 6:41pm
The nylon core of the mast has broken. you'll need a new mast! These are very, very specific and there will only be 1 mast that fits your car. Don't bother buying a second hand mast.
Check out to find the mast you need, or even give Ed a call - he really knows his stuff!
Masts average around $80 + fitting

You will probably need to remove the motor and open it up too, there will be a short length of nylon stuck in there which will prevent the new mast going all the way down

curlcrown, Aug 3, 11:11pm
When it is up disconect the power supply to the aerial.