Replaced radiator, but thermostat needle keeps

princesspossum, Aug 1, 9:49pm
fluctuating up and down. Any ideas why this would be!

Car is a 95 auto civic. We're pretty sure we put everything back where it should go, all the hoses are nice and tight and the replacement radiator was brand new.


Edited to add that the thermostat was working fine before the leaking radiator was replaced.

motorboy2011, Aug 1, 10:05pm
your new radiator is flowing better than the old one and your old thermostat cant keep up!

thunderbolt, Aug 1, 10:30pm
Air locks most likely.

Did you bleed all the air from the system!

c.knox, Aug 2, 12:00am
Yes, possibly an air lock. Don't forget to bleed the air out of the heater hoses.

princesspossum, Aug 2, 12:23am
Thanks for the replies. Yes, it was air. The better half didn't put quite enough coolant into the radiator. After a top up the problem was solved.