Suzuki SJ50qt petcock

ashy8, Aug 1, 1:01am
I'm currently putting one of these scooters back together and the petcock has 4 bits coming out of it for hoses they are labeled vent, in and out and there is one more thats unlabeled! What would this be for! Also when I blow into the "In" nothing comes out anywhere, I take it thats how it supposed to be as it was running before it was pulled apart.

friendly_prawn, Aug 1, 1:03am
petcock! Seriously!

red97, Aug 1, 1:04am
the forth one will be a vacuum line
nothing will come out untill the vacuum opens the diaphragm inside it
i think the vacuum line runs to the carb

slarty45, Aug 1, 1:23am
yep it's the vacuum line
rather have a manual valve myself as those with vacuum operated valves takes ages to start engine if not used for several weeks

supernova2, Aug 1, 1:35am
My 250GT petcock never worked properly and it would flood when on the side stand.Lucy Suzuki must have know it was going to happen as there was a drain bung on the crankcase.Glad petrol was cheep back in the 70's.

ashy8, Aug 1, 2:05am
Awesome, worked that out by myself in the end anyway. Thanks for the input though.