LOL. Oversize truck blocks

brapbrappy, Jul 30, 10:06pm
Terrace Tunnel in Wellington this morning. Driver or signage fault!

splinter67, Jul 30, 10:19pm
Some truck drivers shouldn't be allowed on the road this reminds me of the winner in Auckland that hit the over-bridge with the digger boom

tigra, Jul 30, 10:28pm
I understand it held up all traffic into Wellington along that primo route this morning for many minutes. Just shows how vulnerable the Welly access routes are. There's only a single lane going in thru the TT.

dave653, Jul 30, 10:41pm
Should be the drivers job to know the size of his vehicle/load!

chris_051, Jul 30, 11:24pm
So what about the pilot vehicle. And who organised the load.Was the crew from Wellington!
Most trucks dont go that far into Wellington, usually get off at Aotea Quay or Hutt rd, a guy I worked with from the South Island wanted to get to the Bluebridge terminal and his GPS told him to get off at the terrace and head towards parliment, in a 20 metre B train lol. How was he to know I have been there myself doing floating line haul in a B train across the country not a nice feeling and everyone is human but you always get the hind sight experts who never fuck up.

splinter67, Jul 30, 11:35pm
Have to agree Chris I got caught by the seddon underbrigde with a over height load had to back up the hill didnt hit the bridge just peed off all the other trucks that came off the ferry

bill-robinson, Jul 31, 1:05am
had to read this to find out what a truck block is

kwkbrk, Jul 31, 1:20am
Theres warning signs before the previous 2 exits telling drivers with high loads to exit before they get to the tunnel, theres no excuse .

eagles9999, Jul 31, 2:42am
When you are building your Lego service station model they are the big ones that you use a little model truck to carry them to the site.

bashfulbro, Jul 31, 5:24am
Correct, no excuse at all, all drivers should know what they have on the back and where it will or wont fit.

bashfulbro, Jul 31, 5:27am
it may not have had a pilot vehicle, they don`t need one for over height loads