just got one for a relitive and was wondering if its worth setting up the GPRS functions and how much data it would use on a pre pay sim.
any thoughts!
Jul 26, 3:32am
The 1st one I had the live gprs tracking on a website as part of a purchase, as well as being able to track via sms. The problem was that the membership expired after 6 months with no option to renew. There is a free website called "gps orange" or something, I couldnt get it to work though. There is another prob though, I'm assuming you're looking at one of the $150-$250 jobbies on here! As you will see in their specs they can sms text alert you, and show their location via gprs on a map. What they don't tell you is they can only do ONE at a time, so if it's tracking online via gprs it cant text you sms alerts or its location, until you switch it to sms mode. The advantage of the online gprs tracking was you could see where the car had been.
Jul 26, 3:34am
thanks for the heads up, just wondering if it was worth it to set up the gprs or not. looks like maybe no!
Jul 26, 3:41am
I sleep better knowing it will text me if someone opens a door/starts it/moves it rather than being able to track its route after it was stolen. I recommend getting one with a remote to arm and disarm it, saves on using text credit to arm and disarm. I'd also recommend NOT hooking up the siren (if it has option of one), as this gives anyone looking to a gps tracker/alarm wires to follow to the unit and render it useless.
Jul 26, 4:01am
The one I have can be interrogated by text. Saves data.
Jul 26, 4:03am
Customer has them in his trades vans, hidden - caught one of the boys whitebaiting for 4 hours most fridays when he shoulda been gibbing lol.
Jul 26, 4:07am
what one should we buy!
Jul 26, 4:13am
yes after getting the one WITHOUT the remote i realised that the remote was the way to go, as every command you send the unit to arm/disarm it via text, it will reply with a text which will eat up your credit. its still cheap piece of mind though i guess
Jul 26, 5:11am
I use one, gprs is good for live tracking, depending on how often you set the updates ie 30s and how often you use the vehicle it uses between a couple of MB to maybe 15MB a month. 50MB costs 6dollars/month on 2deg. With 30s updates I sometimes use only 3MB in an entire month
Jul 26, 5:17am
excellent, thanks for that
Jul 26, 5:17am
And in response to motorboy, he is correct in saying that it will operate in GPRS or SMS mode at a time; so if in GPRS mode it won't txt you alerts, but it still responds to txt requests via txt, say if you were to request the location
Jul 26, 6:45am
Correct. What it cant do is activly alert you to an event via sms while in gprs mode. Same goes for opposite, you cant check the past history of the vehicles location at the times it was in sms mode. Id recomend using the fuel cut function to also activate the horn, makes it easy to know what garage its locked in should it be locked in a block of garages etc.
Jul 26, 3:13pm
That's where the pay-sites kick in. THEY monitor the GPRS signal and they alert you if the location changes.
Jul 26, 11:55pm
Out of curiousity where are these things connected too. ! and where to start looking
Jul 27, 12:37am
check out chinavasion.com, cheaper than getting it here
Jul 27, 2:44am
They are standalone units, so you only need +12V and ground to run but you would want to connect it to your ACC line too. A couple more wires if you want relay control. I have a couple for sale in my listings (though I'm not allowed to advertise on the MB) - check the 2nd and 3rd photos for how the txt/GPRS part works
Jul 27, 5:30am
You use the gps trace orange site! Can you supply a unit the same/similar as a tk103 tracker, with remote, that can use the gps trace orange site! I currently have a remote-less tk103 that works fine but cant get to work on the orange site.
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