Motorbike helmet reccomendations please

wcg30, Jul 20, 4:27am
I haven't ridden in a few years & would like a new helmet for the new bike but i am out of touch so any info would be appreciated.

gunhand, Jul 20, 4:33am
Spend as much as you can afford.Good brands are, Nolan, AGV, Shark, Shoei, Aria and so on.I found AGV very good but have a Nolan at the mo, expensive but very good.

wcg30, Jul 20, 4:40am
Thanks for that,my present helmet is an AGV i was wondering if there was a lighter weight variety available but i guess i'll check helmets out when we go to collect the bike.
Price isn't an issue where safety's concerned it seems crazy to spend 12 or 13 grand on a bike then get a cheap helmet.

gunhand, Jul 20, 4:45am
Most new helmets are quite light these days. How old is your AGV!
Shoies XR 1100 helmets are nice and light but $800 odd.
Ive tried a few Sharks on but didnt like the fit for some reason.

berg, Jul 20, 9:37pm
Be aware, different brands of helmet often fit different shaped heads better. My two picks AGV for the budget end and Shoei I at the high end. Buy the best you can afford that fits you well

fryan1962, Jul 21, 1:40am
I have had a few, Bell have a lot of technology in them,it was one of the best Ihave had

whqqsh, Jul 21, 1:47am
was going to say the same, different brands different fits. Often goes with the country of origin

richynuts, Jul 21, 1:54am
Best to buy helmet with the 2 'D's on strap that way it is always tight when done up.

sifty, Jul 21, 2:23am
best way is to try them on

buzz122, Jul 21, 3:15am
Try every helmet on and find the one that is the best fit.then look at the is the key here, then what you can afford.

tats63, Jul 21, 3:19am
Be careful if you try an Arai you might just be hooked and they are very pricey. Quite different fit to a Shoei but if its right for your head then there are no alternatives. (IMO)
Agree double D ring for fastening is the way to go.

turton, Jul 21, 3:45pm
iv owned many different helmets and my personal preference came down the the Arai. Fantastic helmets i will never go back to anything else

flockton55, Jul 21, 10:33pm
Have just bought my third HJC. First around 1995, second 2003. I bought my son a new one recently for around $150 so he would stop using the 1995 helmet. My 2003 one had hardly any use but replaced it to be on the safe side and for extra features. The range goes from about $150 up to about $900. I got the FS11 which is fibreglass instead of polycarbonate. It has the usual vents, plus an internal set of sunglasses that slide down inside the visor. This is great as I wear glasses so can't just pop sunglasses on, and dark visors are a pain at night. Also has a pump-up air bladder to make padding snug. It was $579.

trogedon, Jul 21, 10:59pm
If you want to be more visable and so less likely to be knocked off get yourself a bright coloured helmet (or white). Also multi coloured things (like helmets) are less easily recognised than plain colours - which there are less of in nature so they stand out more to the human eye. My one is bright yellow. I??

johnf_456, Jul 22, 6:34am
^They are all should be safe provided the safety standard has been met.

haventrader, Jul 23, 3:17am

saintlucifa, Jul 24, 12:56am
LS2 Fullface costs around $150-$180
4-Star Safety rating (5-Stars being the best you can get)
Four visor options (black, mirror, rainbow, clear) and they only cost $40 each !
LS2's come in loads of different colours and patterns. Some really nice choices.
They weight the same as most expensive options.

One of these saved my life (head-shoulder vs 4x4 concrete-strainer-post) Shoulder (with titanium plate from previous accident) 6 ribs were broken on impact side. My head grazed the post and the LS2 saved my life. No doubt about it.

I now have three LS2's on my bike shelves.

wcg30, Jul 24, 3:48am
Cheers for all your replies.
Tommorows the big day,by 5o'clocki should have either one very happy hopefully speechless husband or a divorce in the mail.
We'll be away at first light to head out to town where he thinks we are shopping for a new fridge
But i have brought him a Truimph Bonneville for his birthday next month.
Fingers crossed.

gunhand, Jul 24, 4:58am
You need to meet my wife and tell her that LOL.He should be a happy chap.

redrider, Jul 24, 5:03am
Try an Airoh helmet if possible

saintlucifa, Jul 24, 11:03am
Is that 'you' Mum! Remember me! It's my birthday soon Mum. Oh how I love Triumph Daytona's and Speed Triples

wcg30, Jul 26, 3:15pm
Sorry son but the old fellas gonna keep his new Truimph Bonneville but the good news is your not from a broken homeYAAA.
And i got myself a Nolan.helmet.

sifty, Jul 26, 3:19pm
Wife of the year, well done.
What was his reaction!

Oh and Nolans are good, have one myself.

wcg30, Jul 26, 3:38pm
I don't often see him speechless but he was absolutely blown away.
Mind you once he'd found out i'd paid for it his next question was " how much more money haveyou got tucked away!"
And apparently he wants another seat & he's talking about chroming the guards & altering the muffler.
He had a Truimph Saint way back in the day so i guess he is thinking back to how she looked.
As to me being a good wife.damn straight but we get what we deserve out of life & i picked a good man & all i have done is look after & out for him as he does for me.
Cheers all & thanks for the comments & support.