Motorbike help

one-one-alpha, Jul 24, 12:04am
I have a 95 Suzuki Bandit 250, I can't get it to start, it will start sometimes but only run for maybe 3 seconds before stalling.
I have checked the carbys, the sparkplugs, the airfilter, changed the battery and drained the fuel and replaced with fresh 95.
Anyone have any ideas!

fred-a, Jul 24, 12:11am
Spark plug lead!

one-one-alpha, Jul 24, 12:21am
They seem ok, they have a spark. I tested it by putting a screw driver up into it keeping it near the motor and pushing the start button, is that the right way to test!

berg, Jul 24, 12:32am
Fuel filter possibly blocked so not getting fuel. Be wary, your bike could have a filter in the fuel tap or a gause on the Carb inlet. Try removing the fuel line from the Carb and seeing how much fuel flows out

one-one-alpha, Jul 24, 12:37am
Checked the filter, I removed the tank and the only way I could get fuel out was sucking on the vacum hose and fuel would dribble out

nzfatie, Jul 24, 12:53am
Get it going with CRC engine start in the carbies.if it stops when you stop spraying, it's starving for fuel. Could be a faulty/blocked or corroded fuel tap!

one-one-alpha, Jul 24, 1:03am
Thats a good point, how would I check the fuel tap!

bitsy_boffin, Jul 24, 1:24am
So sounds like your fuel tap has a vac cut off, same as my honda.

My first port of call would be. making sure that the engine is drawing vacuum down the hose.

Check that the vacuum port isn't blocked (and that you're plugging the hose in the right place), and check that the vac hose isn't getting kinked.

Edit to add: you might try manually drawing a vacuum (suck on it) and while doing so pinch the hose closed (vice grips) to keep the vacuum drawn this should make sure fuel is always flowing from tank, then try running it, if it works, you know what the problem is.

fryan1962, Jul 24, 1:59am
Is there a cut out on your side stand

could be water in fuel

one-one-alpha, Jul 24, 2:12am
I manually drew a vacuum and pinched the hose with pliers and the fuel kept flowing so does this mean the engine might not have enough vacuum!

rod-zone, Jul 24, 2:24am
open the fuel cap.might be as simple s the breather,wen fuel leves the tank it has to be replace by air,although it would probably run a little longer than 3 seconds.worth a crack though

one-one-alpha, Jul 24, 2:33am
No joy. im stumped

one-one-alpha, Jul 24, 2:33am
Thanks for the replies so far though

berg, Jul 24, 2:35am
Blocked exhaust!

mbikeman1, Jul 24, 2:43am
After trying to start it check the plugs to see if they are wet.I had the same prob with my wifes one and even tho there was spark there it just wasnt doing the job.After chucking new plugs at it away it went.Just a shame they run the $20ish each plugs instead of a $6 job.

one-one-alpha, Jul 24, 4:26am
Ok I will give it a go, the spark on the plugs is pretty average anyway and I did notice they were slightly wet. Did you need to replace all four plugs!

mbikeman1, Jul 24, 7:18am
Yes i did replace them all,As for needing to it was much easier to just replace them all as if one or two were getting sick the others wouldnt be far from it either

one-one-alpha, Jul 26, 12:47am
Turns out it was the plugs, thanks for your help

mbikeman1, Jul 26, 1:36am
Sweet as,Glad it worked out for you