Motor overhaul. Hi can somebody give me a typical ballpark cost to do ringsbearings and cam belt on a 2 litre sigma motor thats
Aug 9, 4:36am
Hi can somebody give me a typical ballpark cost to do rings,bearings and Cam belt on a 2 litre Sigma motor thats travelled 290,000 ks please! I have owned this car since new and am finding it hard to just junk it,a decision I have to make next few days.It is blowing a bit of smoke and failed WOF on this.Is this correct! Thanks.
Aug 9, 5:32am
What year is your Sigma.What grade of oil are you using.If are already using a 20w 50 try a 25w 60 or 70 I think it is,that should reduce the oil consumption. A full rebuild would be around 2 to 3 k
Aug 9, 5:54am
They are bad for the valve stem seals going and is most likely the problem
Aug 9, 5:17pm
Hi Tuttyclan and Carclan Thanks for your comments.The Sigma is an 87 model which I bought from new.Yes I run it on Havoline 20w/50.I am wondering how to differentiate between worn stem seals and worn rings,any ideas!
Aug 9, 10:47pm
Stem seals will allow oil into the cylinders when switched off. puff of blue at startup. Rings will cause it too smoke all the time. If you can take the engine out and maybe strip it, the cost won't be as stupid as a shop doing it drive in drive out. I just rebuilt my 6 cyl, cost me nearly $1800 for just parts and machining.
Aug 10, 12:40am
Tutty, Full RECONDITION maybe.
Presuming theres no real wear inside, Strip & clean Hone/ deridge bores Crank polish Clean pistons Valve grind
New gaskets/ seals New bearing shells & rings
$500 easy, doing most of it your self
Done LOTS of rebuilds/recons on that age of motor & it's pretty easy & cheap.
Oddly enough, some of the rebuilds done with totally s/h parts have lasted better then the rebuilds done with new rings/bearings etc (not recond tho)
Aug 10, 12:46am
The old & well tested way to find out. Steep hill/ drive fast down in top gear & drop foot off accelerator/ wait 15 seconds & stop on the accelerator while looking at the rear view mirror. Should be a big pUFF of smoke (stem seals) If it trails smoke all the way down, then it's rings.
Clever ppl can change stem seals "in place" with the head on. Bad luck with sticking collets (valve spring locks) could see the head off anyway
Aug 10, 12:46am
$200 to $4000
Aug 10, 1:38am
You obviously have had a good run from it !and if your flush with enough $$$$to even consider a rebuild , Id say let it go, spend that moneytoupgrade on a quality car like a Holden Commodore .
Aug 10, 1:57am
"quality" and "holden" don't belong in the same sentence
Aug 10, 2:01am
Op posted twice in motoring!
Aug 10, 2:03am
Funny but truely they do ;) (H) For Holden not for Honda lol Holden = Real car for real people.
Aug 10, 2:47am
Lol quality!
Aug 10, 2:49am
engine restorations in levin.
Aug 10, 2:52am
yes I was sure I had posted in here I thought the police had got to it but no its in the other one LOL
Aug 10, 2:57am
haha if you say so. .
Aug 10, 3:03am
Thanks mrfxit thats handy to know (My Sigma is a 4G32 B with 301590 km and still going well)
Aug 10, 3:39am
Oh I just realised yours is a FWD Sigma, ignore my comment on the other thread saying the RWD engines are harder to come by. The FWD engines are easier to come by, and if the 2.0L 88-92 Galant SOHC MPI motor has a provision to use the mechanical fuel pump I would just look at dropping one of those motors in place of the original engine - just swap over the timing belt cover and inlet manifold and away you go. The sump, engine mounts and everything else will be the same. Keep the alternator and power steering pump complete with the MPI engine.
Aug 10, 5:01am
thing is at nearly 300,000kms I would say the rings and ring land grooves on the pistons would be well worn. The bores will probably still be fine with a minimal lip at the top. Personally I would spend the $100-150 on a new set of 0.5mm oversized pistons and get the bores machined oversized to suit.
Aug 10, 3:11pm
Agreed. Hard to say until you pull it apart . Budget for a minimum of . rebore/new piston sets & setup (rebore/pistons/rings/ top conrod bearings & alignment) New crank shells Full set gaskets/seals Valve grind
With a bit of luck, you might be able to avoid a crank grind & replacing valves, maybe even the rebore ,remote chance of replacing pistons
Does happen, been there done that, seen some 250 MILE+ engines that only needed a good freshen up
Aug 10, 3:24pm
Proviso warning . the above IS . a bit like art = some ppl have the gift & luck/ some don't have either.
Freakiest was a PA vauxhall 2.6ci Total rebuild from totally second hand parts (rings /bearings/ pistons etc etc) from donor engines.(oversize rings re-gaped to suit etc etc) Rebuild on a Monday . told owner to drive it gently around town for a few days before he hitched the tandom trailer & demo car on it to go from Hamilton to theRotorua demolition derby.
NOPE. that Vauxhall sat for the week, hooked up the trailer on Saturday afternoon / scooted down to Rotorua/ did the derby & PURRED all the way there & back running a light grey exhaust pipe & smooth engine.
Never missed a beat.
Aug 11, 9:01pm
Aaahhhh the good old days. light grey tailpipe!
Aug 11, 9:41pm
i would not bother. time to put the money into a later model. been there and done that and would not do what you are thinking.
Aug 11, 10:34pm
Mmmmm, not a Kiwi mechanic ,, aye
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