1995 Nissan Primera Problem

john26a, Aug 28, 9:38pm
Hi, I have a problem when you button off going down a hill or button off due to a car in front has slow down my car deceidsto slow right down with no brakes like a exhaust brakeon truck and trailer units.
What I would like to know if anyone knows is there a fault with the trans or is this common built in thingfor thiscar.
Off the plate on the fire wall the motor is a SR20 (DE )1998 CCand trans RL4F03A
Its has done 163719 kms.
Thank you for any help.

jason18, Aug 28, 11:27pm
So it slows down very quickly! Sounds like you might have stuck hand brake or something to do with sticky brake calipers !

morrisman1, Aug 29, 12:13am
does the engine rev higher or anything during this phase! The manual ones switch the injectors off on the over-run but I dunno about autos.

How quickly is quickly!

john26a, Aug 29, 12:16am
No not the brakes just hadWOF check.

john26a, Aug 29, 12:17am
Engines revsdrop off dose not rev higher. Very quickly.

morrisman1, Aug 29, 12:29am
is it any different if you knock it into neutral when coasting!

john26a, Aug 29, 12:32am
Have not tried it knocking into neutral.

john26a, Aug 29, 12:35am
Apart from needing a tune up gosfine with no noises in the gear boxor motor.
But will you back off on the acc pedal then this happends.