Don't touch the Exploder,,the Jeep is a much better 4x4 in every way,a very good vehicle in fact.don't listen to the Jeep hater go for it .
Aug 22, 2:37am
I work at Ford. Don't get the Explorer.
Aug 22, 2:42am
Aug 22, 2:53am
they aint called a ford exploder for nothing. jeep all the way.
Aug 22, 3:02am
It was the earlier version that gained the nickname "exploder", due to the fact they rolled over violently when suffering a tyre burst.
Aug 22, 3:04am
Why does it need to be a V8!
Aug 22, 3:10am
No not at all.
They are named Exploder's because that's what happens to your wallet when you own one. The newer one they linked to aren't quite as bad, but still plenty of problems. You'd easily spend another 10g in a few years ownership just keeping it on the road.
Aug 22, 3:14am
The V8 Exploders are gas guzzling heaps of rubbish. Not a lot of power and relatively slow 4wd's. My old 3.2 diesel Terrano easily beat a V8 Explorer at merging lane
Aug 22, 3:16am
Both look nice but the jeep has decades of experience in building proper, reliable off roaders which nowadays have become more refined, the depreciation on the jeep however would be nasty in a few year, where it might be better for the explorer
Go the jeep!
Aug 22, 3:20am
That may be your version, but the nickname started with the old model as above
Aug 22, 3:33am
Yeah, true.
They didn't have to pop a tyre to roll though! Just a swift turn was all it took.
Aug 22, 3:35am
Why do Jeep owners furiously defend the piles of junk! It's like they have never tried any other type of vehicle, hey sure, they were cool in WWII but it steadily went downhill from there, they are poorly built overpriced piles of junk that devalue quicker then you can say Jeep.
Aug 22, 3:41am
OP, what is your budget and what do you want to use it for!
Aug 22, 4:03am
well I think the jeep has more style and looks better and has a better name. If thats what you want / v8 good on ya, It will drive nice, IF i could afford one and the up keep I would like one too, I have the ww2 one.
Aug 22, 4:04am
Got some very sad news for you,i have owned many 4x4's the last a VX Lancruiser.modified,the Jeep i have now is my first which i have now owned for about 2 years and it would be the best 4x4 by far [ it getsthrashed ] and so far the cheapest to keep on the road [ and off road ] except for the fuel,they are thirsty .I Just wished i just hadn't listened to people like you and bought one many years ago,A lot of my friends have them as well and mostly they give very few problems,certainly no more than the jap 4x4's.mind you our trucks are used mostly off road .AND as for the devaluation thing it doesn't really matter if buying second hand as they have already devalued so you get a lot of 4x4for your money.
Aug 22, 4:26am
get the punto hahaha
Aug 22, 4:36am
Im not defending them im simply stating they are better than the explorer, they are designed for the american landscape where toughness & reliability is a must, personally i love the 1993 through 2003 shapes, but i have tryed and owned a lot of other european cars but the jeeps are affordable for what you get, theyr powerful with performance and speed theyr comfortable to drive around in they can go anywhere and theyr relatively easy to fix
Aug 22, 5:42am
wicked by the sounds of things a jeep is a goer, but hard to find! i found 1 in christchurch whIch is v8, and I want a grand. under 20k .so that 1 i posted seems to be it, there was one in rangiora but the auction ended i asked them to repost and make an offer but no reply and im off tomorrow to buy it, so i guess they missed out on that sale:( gutted i wanted a black 1.) will need it for a little off road, mainly forestry roads, and towing a big tandem trailer. anyideas on where else to look online for a used grand! tried autotrader and only this 1
Aug 22, 5:55am
I'd go and drive a V8 grand cherokee before making comments like that, they are superb to ride in and beautifully smooth and powerful, which is amazing considering the pretty crude underpinnings.Only the Yanks could make a vehicle like that and they did a damn good job IMO, well on those at least lol. The quality of them is fine for the price, in fact probably better than more expensive stuff like Range Rovers and Merc ML's/BMW X5's, which have if anything a much less solid feel to them. If I could justify running one as a daily I would, they are a rare combo of a genuine luxury car with genuine offroad abilities and yet still have a simplicity about them.
Aug 22, 6:12am
Jeep by a long shot
Aug 22, 6:55am
don't be silly. This person obviously wants a Fiat panda in 4x4, although they may not realise it quite yet
Aug 22, 9:39am
put all of them side by side ,run over them with an abrahems army tank and whic ever one survives gets my thumbs up lol (thanks richard hammond of top gear)
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