what the requirements are for a 1984 model first reg'd in nz in sepember 2008, with regard to the full time headlight running!(its not a moped or scooter, its a proper fullsize motorbike. Any accurate answers much appreciated, thanks a lot.
Aug 15, 5:12am
It doesn't have to be wired on all the time, but legally now (and it's a BS rule) you must turn on the light while riding at any time.
I doubt NZ would bother bringing in law to make it legally wired on as nearly all bikes now come with them wired on.
Aug 15, 5:14am
oh here you go
"You must also turn on either your moped or motorcycle's headlight or daytime running lights during daylight hours if your motorcycle or moped was manufactured on or after 1 January 1980.
If your moped or motorcycle was manufactured before 1 January 1980, you must turn on your moped or motorcycle's headlight during the hours of darkness, from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise."
Thanks heaps for that. I can't help asking why you dislike that rule though:-)
Aug 15, 5:56am
Because older bikes weren't designed to have something like a headlight constantly drawing of the piddly little batteries fitted and weak charging systems, especially the first ones to come out with electric starters.
Aug 15, 6:02am
Oh, i see, i wondered why someone would be against an otherwise practical safety rule which i can well imagine has avoided some collisions, but yeah, pretty tough if your bike can't isnt set up for it i guess-then again, given some of the driving car drivers do (esp in regard to 'not seeing' bikes), i reckon i'd be doing what was necessary to be able to run a headlight all the time-which raises the question.what happens if you want to use a bike which won't sustain a headlight for a long time, for a long duration ride at night time!
Aug 15, 7:56am
1. Personal experience shows it makes no difference 2. It presumes that the motorcyclist is at fault 3. Motorbike batteries are much smaller than cars and need all the help they can get to recharge after starting. Leaving your lights on all the time on short trips is not good. 4. Above mentioned issues with older motorcycles.
People who don't see motorcyclists because their headlight isn't on during the day probably see even fewer cyclists and pedestrians. So perhaps we should resolve this problem by getting cyclists and pedestrians to wear christmas tree lights during the day!
Aug 15, 1:56pm
It is funny the I did not see motorcycle argument, my first motorbike was a Honda CL 250 it was white it had a huge windscreen like chips motor cycle cops I had a white helmet with a blue star.was I trying to look like a wanna copper nope it just happened that way Cars used to pull over and let me pass, no one ever pulled out in front of me,
Aug 15, 2:03pm
what about these new LED lights would they be a lot more user friendly and less demanding on the battery for the earlier model bikes!haven't ever used led lights myself but like to hear want others think about there use.
Aug 15, 2:07pm
You can upgrade your charging system,I did on a triumph tiger 2004
Aug 15, 2:08pm
++ 10
Aug 15, 2:19pm
Perfect for this purpose , only about 4W draw
Aug 15, 3:03pm
to shut up the cops they are great. In the real world I have big issues with them.The problem is that they screw up car drivers depth perception. Try working out how far away an LED is and how fast its moveing in the bad light situations that this law is aimed at. I guess if every biker always rode at the speed limit exactly it would be ok. Tui anyone!
Aug 15, 3:47pm
what about a 1937 Triumph! and it would also look really good with a set of LED's.lol.not sure if you can get 6 volt sets
Aug 15, 3:52pm
It is a proven fact that some drivers brains are hard-wired to look for only certain vehicle types. If a motorcycle is not in their frame of reference they simply do not see it. I am a long-time (nearly 60yrs) motor cycle rider and I have had several occasions when a car has driven out into my path when the driver was looking at me. I have escaped a collision each time, but it was close. Anything to stimulate the other drivers attention is a good thing. A headlight, or LED strobe light is a step in the right direction. It is not a depth of perception thing, it is being seen AT ALL that is critical.
Aug 15, 3:56pm
I am trialing an ultra blue headlight bulb in my Honda. Gives out a pure light white and still rated at 55 watts. (5000 lumins)It is rated for off road use only. But I figure I may be more visible with the white light as opposed to the yellow of a normal bulb. If this law applies to bikes it should also be applied to cars as well
Aug 15, 4:20pm
You can get 6 volt halogens I have them in my car
Aug 15, 5:43pm
drog--I suspect we are talking from a different prospective. In the country I agree being seen at all is the aim. In the big city though I don't agree.If the car driver sees you as moving at 50km/h and are 200m away when in fact you are doing 70 and are only 100m away. When you KNOW what the led refers to all good. you can judge the distance.--when you don't its pretty hard
Aug 15, 7:01pm
WELL, thats the clincher isn't it.
It's also been well documented about 1 of the 1st vehicles a motorist will consistenatly SEE before any others, . Take your pick of .
1 Motorcyclist 2 Truck 3 Bus 4 Car 5 Motorcycle cop 6 Police car
Take your pick of the above & place your choice of the above, State "with or without lights"
Aug 15, 7:14pm
The 5000 will be colour temperature rather than output. To get a white look the blue filter removes some of the output. If the filament is driven harder to replace that loss it will burn out quicker. Forget being seen, can you see as much!
Aug 15, 8:01pm
Nice place for them on your car.but sorry they aren't going on the 37.LOL.mind you the old girl doesn't go to far these days. [still goes well though ] .this old bike has never been restored and is ruff as .it will never have LED'S on it even if i can get them.PS i just take the risk with the head light thing,the law here have been good so far and are understanding, .
Aug 15, 8:52pm
I'll take one but something tells me you wouldn't shout if a shark bit ya!
Aug 15, 9:37pm
Mmmmm, that would,look sweet.
Aug 16, 12:12am
Day glow jacket to match.lol the next thing to be compulsory
Aug 16, 1:13am
^^^ Mainly this.
How come car drivers or bicycle riders don't have to have their lights on!
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