they better have a real fast car cus if i catch them ill run them off the road and smash them
May 22, 5:31am
They don't effing listen, why waste time, paper, ink or bandwidth. Politicians are no much better than the top cops. look at how many top cops flout the law and get away with it cos their junior to scared to dob them in in fear of losing their jobs. get real write to the politicians, write to the top cops. all they do is fill the govt coffer!
May 22, 6:08am
seems to me someone needs a "poster-child-case" take it to campbel live or the likes, perhaps "target" as they investigate shit like that. then with media and therefore peoples attention surely something would have to change, that is if collins wants to have continued use of taxpayer vehicles.
May 22, 6:25am
We've had a place robbed at gunpoint and they wanted US to aquire and unload the gun for them. They sent the special forces out but they are afraid to take a shot cause the media will crucify them, doing their job means the end of their career which is stupid.
I still don't get why they listen to scum though, like if I catch some lowlife keying my car and break his nose it's assault. I mean surely they could look at the kind of lowlife they are dealing with and say they deserved more than that, they won't even turn up for offenses like that being called in so what am I meant to do, mow his lawn!
May 22, 6:33am
8 months later
May 22, 3:39pm
LOL ahhh ha ha, you can take out the Bad to describe that half baked ill informed dork.
May 22, 3:43pm
Surprisingly, you don make sense.
May 23, 9:16pm
HA Ha i had mini stolenby joyrider ,i told policebut I found it 2 weeks laterparked outside the senior sargents house , neighbours said itbeen there 2 weeks.
May 23, 9:48pm
Thats about the size of it. Its so frustrating that we living in a country full of people who are just falling over themselves to believe the rediculose propaganda that gets piped into our living rooms on behalf of the NZ Police.
I have had enough of the "enablers" who are just to happy to try and justify the PR spin and blatant revenue collecting we are being sold instead of proper tailored sensible and efficient Policing.
Its not hard to solve crime and you don't need endless resources like they would have you believe. Time for people to stand up and say enough is enough.
BTW, the Police had a whole week to collect my stolen goods from a shop directly opposite a Police station. I had provided them with a full report including serial numbers, photos of the goods and the offender and a concise paper trail leading right back to the beginning. Still they failed to walk across the road and do anything.
The really sad thing is this dosn't just apply to theft etc. Real people are dying because of this same incompetence and lack of common sense.
May 24, 1:50am
An old story, perhaps some remember it from the Herald. My RX7 got stolen, long story short it turned up a few weeks later at Whenuapai Airbase.under the ownership of an Airman. He had apparently acquired the car in a legal fashion and had begun to sell parts off of it through the T&E (remember those days). Anyway, I went to his house and then to where the car was being stored, he told me the car was an ex-stolen vehicle and he had bought it to strip for parts. Now comes the good bit, I rang the cops and told them I had hunted down my car.they questioned me as to how I knew it was mine. My answer was basically that I am not a total fuckwit and it was an easily distinguishable car. The cops told me that they 'might be able to get out over the next couple of weeks to sort out what the problem was' and that I should wait. I told the cops on the line that if they did not come right now, that I was going back to kill the guy and get my car (no joke) and to send an ambulance. They questioned me in regards to my statement and came immediatly to ensure I didn't kill this fucker. So; Theft = Perfectly acceptable practiceGBH = police attendance.
Next time I won't ring them, not even when the deed is done. I have friends who are handy with shovels and can help dig quick holes.
May 24, 2:26am
Rojakell If you ever find yourself dealing with an armed forces person, forget the cops, call the Military Police and their CO - the army has real rules and real enforcers.There is a useful catchall military rule of "bringing the service into disrepute", which for minor stuff lets them make the plonkers life hell for 3 weeks of square bashing, polishing etc, as well as all their other duties.
May 24, 3:29am
You are an idiot. Done a bit of crime solving! what a plonker.
May 24, 3:49am
Actually yes, I tracked a guy down that was doing 80K a month in fraud and had been doing so for months on end. Not only did I track him down in a couple of days using the phone and email. I had to track him down, get someone to keep him busy and call the cops multiple times until they would respond. (over the course ofa few weeks)
The cops were so hopeless they had not even ordered fingerprints from the cheques this guy was writing out half a year after he had started doing so. There were a few good officers trying hard to get things sorted out but they were continually let down by others in other stations every time the guy turned up.
My mother had similar success with another idiot who was driving around in a stolen car and staying every night in Bed and Breakfasts, stealing stuff and leaving without paying. Again the Police had been told multiple times and had no luck, my Mother with her telephone had the guy tracked down in a couple of days.
Most of this sort of crime is really very easy to solve. All it takes is a few switched on back room non-sworn helpers with a telephone and the internet. The stupid thing is most of the crime is caused by a small number of criminals, once you get people taking investigations seriously you should be able to reach a "critical mass" fairly quickly. Which will make keeping crime under control on an ongoing basis even easier.
And klrider, its people like you that stop the problems with our Police coming to light. All while people cover for our inept Police force nothing can be done, once the problem is admitted we can at least make steps to fixing things.
Most of us live on a couple of relatively small and well connected islands miles from anywhere else. Its pretty darn easy to track someone down, and thats just the beginning of the advantages we have going for us. It shouldn't take much to sort things out.
May 24, 5:41am
i find that telling the police your going for a drive with a baseball bat works everytime, instant response, this was in regards to an assault not a burg, still had the police pretty quick
May 24, 5:46am
I've completely lost faith in our system. A trademe member stole $350 from me a few months back. I paid for goods, never got goods, he never gave me my money back so I went to the cops and he then threatened me. I visited the station three times in one night before someone finally took a statement. A month passed before I emailed the officer and he just said that the file is being held at Lower Hutt station as they can't locate the guy, even though they have his address, bank account details, car rego etc etc. Still haven't heard anything. But hey, I'm sure if I dobbed him in for doing 60kmh outside a school they would hunt him down and issue him with a fine. Bloody horse shit.
May 24, 6:24am
Thats it in a nutshell. What gets up my nose is we all pay a fortune for stupid and very expensive prime time television advertisements and carefully managed propagandashows. Yet when we actually need some Policing we get nothing. Enough is enough.
FFS. that is b/s! Good on that guy though, someone has got to do it if the police cant/wont. I see some criminals getting hunted down and recieving a large beating cos this guys actions are probably going to become more and more common with police frequently being 'too busy'. Imagine how that guy would feel if, like most people, he didn't catch the number plate etc
'Onehunga Constable Mary Colgan said she had received the file and it had been assigned to an investigator. "We are making the necessary inquiries," she said.'
Bahahahaha yeah, right! So does that mean put it in the 'to do' pile, then ignore it!
Sep 13, 6:08am
yup copperswant to fine you far more easy money then to actuarly work.
Sep 13, 6:08am
"He shouldn't have the right to find my house. I was shocked that he was able to get my address." . she doesnt have the right to smash into his car and grab his shit whats the diff!
Sep 13, 6:09am
yep, pretty bloody rugged.He even knows who the thief is, but the cops wont do anythign about it. Thats crazy. Problem though, what do you do if the thiefs a woman!
Sep 13, 6:13am
If he had mobileme installed on the ipad he could locate exactly where his ipad was with GPS.
Sep 13, 6:19am
Whathe should have done is told the cops he had firearms stolen from his vehicle. They would have been on the case right away :)
Sep 13, 6:34am
id go round about this time of night and torch the car
Sep 13, 3:02pm
Lol i can see the officers expression right now when he says that "would it help if i told you there were firearms in the car that were also stolen ! " *officers eyes widen and he slowly almost hesitantly asks * "really!. Are you sure! " " NO DUMB ASS, I JUST WANT MY HARD WORK AND PERSONAL PROPERTY BACK!"
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