GPS Tracker . Recommend me one . please

aragorn2003, Aug 11, 11:42pm
Whats a good GPS tracker to bung in my car! Can anyone recommend one from experience!

Should probably be abit more specific . One that i can switch the car off at any time and alerts me if it starts moves etc . I can remember one that was posted on here awhile back but can't find it

aragorn2003, Aug 12, 12:59am
never mind , I found one

thunderbolt, Aug 12, 1:28am
Great, do you have a link to the one you found!

motorboy2011, Aug 12, 2:45am
Good choice, however get the same model with a remote to arm and disarm it, will still cost under $200. I also recommend you to wire it so the horn activates when you command it to cut the ignition/fuel. This model tracker got my car back.

aragorn2003, Aug 12, 2:57am
Ah so the horn keeps a constant sound! . That wasn't your car that was on that youtube link posted on here awhile back. Found at the back of someones house

aragorn2003, Aug 12, 2:57am
Sub $100 from bay of E

motorboy2011, Aug 12, 3:03am
Yeah that be my car. The point of the horn is to verify exactly where the car is, say in a specific garage in a block of flats etc. If you can't do this, the police are reluctant to go opening garages up etc without a search warrant because simply saying gps said it was there is not enough when/if it goes to court, irrelevant if the car turns out to be there or not.

aragorn2003, Aug 12, 3:07am
So is the remote there to turn on the fuel cut/engine cut!

That was awesome that video , the look on the peoples faces at the house must have been priceless

motorboy2011, Aug 12, 3:27am
The function of the remote is only to arm and disarm the actual unit. This can also be done by texting the unit but it will cost you 40c each time (20c to text it, and then the unit will text back to confirm its armed/disarmed, so another 20c) . When armed with the remote it does not text either way so no cost. When armed if a door is opened, it will text you to say it's been opened and text you its position every few min, it will also activate the siren if you have one fitted. In my opinion the siren is a bad idea, it gives someone a chance to follow the wires back to the unit and render it useless. The fuel cut/horn activation is not done with the remote, its done by texting the unit.

aragorn2003, Aug 12, 3:34am
Ah yep got ya . Side question . I'm with 2degrees will the texts not count as my 5000 quota a month!

petermcg, Aug 13, 12:16am
You need to get a new simcard for the unit when you buy it and 2 degrees might not work.

aragorn2003, Aug 13, 1:21am
yeah realize it needs its own sim card. Do you know which network works!

motorboy2011, Aug 13, 4:10am
mine is on 2deg. should work on all networks

thewomble1, Aug 15, 3:41am
There are units that can 'hidden' in the car and don't need external aerials to work. The aerial is built in. No GPS aerials telling thieves there is a GPS unit some where in the car. Using 2 degrees prepaid Sim card it costs me 9c each time a message is sent from the unit to my mobile.

aragorn2003, Aug 15, 3:50am
Do you have a link!

motorboy2011, Aug 15, 4:36am
prob like Listing # 504185102. These however don't have a relay output so you cant turn off the fuel or anything. Also his point of no antenna for the thief to follow is pointless, you don't put the antenna anywhere they can be seen. Antennas don't need to be exposed to get signal, will work through plasic dash, carpets, sill guards, inside sunvisors etc. Also its far easier to put the antennas somewhere they can get signal (say inside an air vent) and hide the actual gps unit deep inside the car, where as the antenna-less version cant be hidden too well as it has to be put somewhere it can get signal.

thewomble1, Aug 15, 6:17am
Listing #: 503772559 This is very similar to the ones I have installed now. Getting more for other cars. Hope this listing shows .if not let me know to thewombleis at gmail dot com
Listing #: 504286438 does not have external aerial