Hey there Who Can Help me Out, My Scooter wasnt kick starting stright away and that my eletrick start didnt work so i was thinking it was my spark plug, put another one in tonight and it worked good even fixed the problem to my electiic start, BUT on my way to work tonight my scooter started loosing power on a small hill, so i stopped for a bit and waited for a bit then o keeptd going and then it lost power alott i was only going 10ks! i then stopped and turned the key off but my scooter was still running! i then was like huh! and it turned off by its self ! i then tryed too start it but no go! what could be my problem
Aug 14, 4:27am
electrical wiring has fallen apart. it be a chinese scooter. Fully rewiring of the whole system is the only solution
Aug 14, 4:29am
so your wiring problem is near the sparkplug as you knocked the wiring in place when you changedthe plug
Aug 14, 4:29am
sounds like it's not fireing off!
Aug 14, 4:31am
here is what i would do if you got a kikstarter bypass all wiring so the only thing working is the engine and then make a wee kill switch from jaycar so you can stop it on your own wiring. Then when you got time you can hunt the fault with a test light and multimeter
Aug 14, 4:37am
The chances are damn slim but is there a possibility it is overheating (piston seizing, causing power loss) and excess carbon buildup causing it to diesel on ignition shutoff! I've seen that a few times on 4 stroke petrol motors that have been treated very poorly, not sure if it would occur on a dinky scooter though! Just a guess, please don't pillory me TMMB
Aug 14, 4:37am
It needs a spelling lesson!
Aug 14, 5:10am
Good idears, im going to be takeing the scooter to a bike shop to see what could be the problem , and will update, yup had the spark plug replaced my old one was broken, my grandad helped me to put the other spark plug in and it worked well but when i went up a hill it was like it was struggling too climb it ! and lost power majourly .! i will see when i get it to the bike shop. thanks for your feed back :d
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