Unauthorised repairs - (to my chainsaw-not car)

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shaun16, Aug 10, 4:51pm
i bought a chainsaw and took it to be repaired, as it had only been used two hours at most and i couldnt get it to go again (i checked all the basics). they said it would take a week roughly to come back, and i thought it would be under warranty - nothing was said about having to pay. i filled out my name, address etc and left it with them. today i go to pick it up and i get told i have to pay $69 as it was a "non warranty" problem. i said well i wasnt made aware that i may have to pay. the guy said to me the repair company had already repaired it before they let them (the retailer) know, and as they were billed for it they had to bill it to me. i kicked up a bit of a stink and the guy dropped it to $50 which i paid as i wanted it back. anyway should i have to pay the bill as i want made aware that i may have to pay!

bellky, Aug 10, 4:53pm
Yep, you were lucky they dropped the price to $50. Leave it at that and count yourself lucky.

jmma, Aug 10, 4:53pm
Depends what was wrong with it! Did they say what they did to fix it!

jmma, Aug 10, 4:54pm
Helpful, Not )o:

floscey, Aug 10, 4:59pm
how old was the saw ! what brand ! did they tell you what went wrong !

msigg, Aug 10, 5:20pm
Yes for correct answers you need to elaborate on the problem, ie if it was fuel related then the onus is on you. If it was the way you used it eg, no oil on bar etc then the onus is on you. If it was something fundamental to the saw that should not have broken /worn ouut in two weeks then yes you don't have to pay. Good luck.

shaun16, Aug 10, 5:42pm
the paperwork says- clean fuel and oil out of tanks. sharpen chain. test OK.
i think i should have been notifiedbefore the work was done though as i may not have wanted it done by them etc. it was a $179 chainsaw from mitre 10. practically new. so to pay $69 on repairs already doesnt impress me much

gunhand, Aug 10, 6:12pm
I had a similer thing happen when my $179 chainsaw from same place broke (red one was it!). Of all things the chain brake broke and I still have no idea how it happened. Took it to retailer, they sent it to repair shop. Went back to retailer about 2 weeks later as hadnt heard anything. They said, go to repairer and get it. Wife went to pick it up and they said we have to pay.So she said, It was here for warrenty claim so if it was supposedly our fault did you notify us of that and it wasnt going to be a warrenty item!End of that story, we didnt pay. But the tossers fixed it, but, when I started it it went fine till I pulled the trigger to make the cahin go and it didnt. After some head scratching I pulled back on the chain brake with one hand and pulled trigger with other and it went. You gotta be F%$kin kidding I thought.
Went back to repairer and they said, yep thats right, and, we can dissable the brake altogether if you like. Again she said, You gotta be kidding! And then they proceeded to say its a heap of shit blah blah.
Anyway back to retailer and they thought it was disscusting and bloody dangerous as well. Got me money back.
But oddly the saw went very well, till it broke.
As for you, no way you pay if you thought it was a warrenty claim. You should be notified first. With these items of that price half the time its uneconomical to repair.
And did you ask for chain to be sharpened!

philltauranga, Aug 10, 7:10pm
Moral of story $179 for a chainsaw made in China peice of 5hit get what you pay for because you need to pay for it twice, then it break again so you go spend same money to buy another cheap made in china POS and buy the time it broken AGAIN and cost you $$, you could have brought a decent name brand one and NEVER had a problem.

jmma, Aug 10, 7:17pm
yes, fuel will go stale if more than 2 months old, yes you should be charged, but agree, you should have been asked first.
Sometimes though, repair has to be done to check the fault. I only would have sharpened chain if I was asked to, or ask customer first.

gunhand, Aug 10, 7:17pm
Na, only once LOL.And It never cost me anything and I got money back,
Motor went very well and I done quite abit with mine, prob well over the purchase price of firewood alone.But buying a better one next time.
Oh and th first one cost me nothing anyway, had a voucher givin to me.

shaun16, Aug 10, 7:41pm
its going really well now for a cheap piece of crap. i dont expect it to last to long though. and yes its the red "qualcut" from mitre 10

gunhand, Aug 10, 7:44pm
Ive used all manner of saws and surprisingly they do go well in comparrison, bit crappy feeling in some areas but for the price what do you excpect.
So what was the prob anyway! Fuel!

supernova2, Aug 10, 8:42pm
I've got an elcheepo and it sits in the shed for months and it starts first pull no matter how old the fuel is.I just don't believe these people that have fuel problems.i reckon that whatever they have the fuel in is not tuned correctly rathger than the fuel has gone so bad it wont burn.I'd be asking for my money back.Lets see tip out the old fuel and oil, chuck in a bit of new and give it a tug.hardly rocket science so maybe $10 max.Nice of then to give the chain a complimentary sharpen.

msigg, Aug 10, 8:47pm
well after two hours use by some the chain will need sharpening. Unfortunatly buying these cheap things, they will come back and bit you sooner or later. I have a huskey chain saw, used only for firewood for 3 months a year, have had it for 22years and has never been in the shop, as for the fuel it always s eems to go when I put newer fuel in so never had to clean out carbi or anything. Those cheap ones are very tempremental and weak. Sorry.

bellky, Aug 10, 10:26pm
Fuel doesn't go stale after 2 months.

jmma, Aug 10, 10:34pm
That's your opinion, means nothing to me.
I have been working on small engines for 10 years now, my opinion comes from experience (o:

bellky, Aug 10, 10:41pm
So does mine.

mugenb20b, Aug 10, 10:43pm
As usual.

splinter67, Aug 10, 10:44pm
What experience is that dud looking it up on the internet Im back from my drive and ready to play

jmma, Aug 10, 10:54pm
I gave my experience, lets her yours girlfriend (o:

bellky, Aug 10, 11:03pm
I've been using chainsaws since '95. I've never had fuel go off yet.

mrfxit, Aug 10, 11:27pm
McCulloch Pro Mac 700 / running on 25-1 mix 91 fuel
3 years since it's been used for ANYTHING
last started for 1 minute over 1 year ago & poked back on the shelf.
No extra fuel has been put in it in 3 years from when last used.
OK .

Just went out to the shed/ dragged the Mac down.
On with the choke. completely forgot about the decompressor button
3 good pulls on the cord & it coughed.
Off with the choke & pulled the cord again

SHE'S ALIVE . no worrys at all.

gregmran, Aug 11, 12:17am
bellky.what is your problem! You're just a troll that has nothing of any importance to say. (except in your own mind) You make stupid, inane comments and then wonder why people climb all over you. Do yourself (and everybody else) a favour and sod off!

bellky, Aug 11, 12:19am
I'm here for my own entertainment. If you don't like it, do something about it - don't moan to me as it makes no difference to me. Got it.