Driving lesson tips please

beblowin, Sep 8, 11:30pm
daughters birthday coming up and she wants her licence.will be teaching her in a v8 auto (ss comodore), any good tips for a learner driver.

therafter1, Sep 8, 11:34pm
Yes, manual, small capacity engine . Morris 8 would be perfect.

bellky, Sep 8, 11:36pm
Go somewhere quiet and away from traffic for a start.

969pnz, Sep 8, 11:37pm
Check with AA. I think there is a pamphlet out on suggestions for teaching learner drivers. And make sure you dont teach her your own bad habits! Good luck, keep calm, and enjoy the process.

tara101, Sep 8, 11:38pm
Get her professional lessons for her birthday and read this http://www.nzta.govt.nz/licence/photo/docs/restricted-test-guide.pdf

kcc55a, Sep 9, 12:07am
Done this heaps of times. Finda quiet place with wide streets. often aWarehouse or commercial area at weekendsis suitable.And teach her about stopping and starting and indicating and making turns. get her really comfortable with this than doa bit of reversing and 3 point turns.Then after she is fairly confidentgive her a few with a qualified instructor torefine her driving. hey presto a new licensed driver with good habits.

kcc55a, Sep 9, 12:09am
PS 'cos you are in Upper Hutt - Seaview might be a good location for early lessons. But the v8 Commodore .forget it. Something small and low powered.

therafter1, Sep 9, 12:24am
The harder to drive the better, driving is a learned skill at all levels, and you are never ever going to 'learn' anything piloting an auto SS Commy around, all you are going to learn is how to steer and stop. The practice of using autos to teach people how to drive needs to cease regardless of what they will be driving once they have qualified ! . and that's why I suggested a Morris 8, because skill and co-ordination is required to get them underway and keep them underway !

scooby614, Sep 9, 12:25am
yep, forget the commodore.lol, small car and lots of gear work, currently doing this with our daughter in conjunction with this.


scooby614, Sep 9, 12:27am
having said that I am not brave enough to do the 100k driving or parallel parking so will be finishing off the skills through a driving school!

peril787b1, Sep 9, 1:26am
Better idea is get someone else to teach her from the start. Giving family driving lessons is a recipe for disaster, usually ends with the pupil getting out of the car and walking away at an intersection.

kayceejay, Sep 9, 3:42am
also she probably wont be covered by insurance co as most of them have an engine capacity limit of around 2 litres for learners

hopie, Sep 9, 6:29pm
When I was around 17 or so the Mrs at the time couldnt drive. I just backed the car out onto the road for her, put her in and let her go. helped we were in the country thou. after going up and down the road 4-6 times jumped in with her to see how it was going. that was the only time (white knuckles and all that going over a one way bridge).

I learnt the same way in the olds bluebird wide track. First time ever driving by myself in form two, went to local town and it was 4Ks each way. thought I was the man when I went back to school and told everyone I did 100Km/h by myself.

brapbrappy, Sep 9, 7:04pm
Disagree entirely with the"harder the better" school. Have found if its too dificult they get flustered and confused and end up saying stuff it. Best tocreate some confidence in what they are doingand get used to the controls before you shove them out in a busy area. As for Morris 8's the '36 I learnt to drive in would be hopeless in todaystraffic.Lousy 3 speed box, trafficators,etc etc.Probably breakdown each lesson too.

elect70, Sep 9, 9:16pm
I taught my ex to drive in s2 landroverpower nothingdouble de clutching &getting into low range on movelots ofswearing &arguments but got there in the endbut took test inher old mans sierra . I taught myselfby" borrowing "mysisters 105eangliawhile she was at work . Tester wouldnt give me license first time asi was speeding & overtook a truck .

pollymay, Sep 9, 9:25pm
Foot hard on brake, foot hard on throttle, hold in low gear. Enjoy

berg, Sep 10, 3:10am
My thoughts exactly. First thing, talk to your insurance company.

gunhand, Sep 10, 3:21am
Whats wrong with learning in an auto!Geez theres a million things to think about to stay alive without tossing pointless gear shifts into it. I reckon once there comfortable with all the hazzards of driving and used to everything then learn a manual if need be.
Back in my day of learning manuals was mostly all that was about so not alot of choice really but today manuals are the odd one out.