Failed the wof on some minor stuff and some rust around the boot lid and parcel tray.
Is there anywhere recommended to get it looked at to see if its worth a repair!
Sep 8, 7:06pm
Got any pictures, so we could give a better opinion
Sep 8, 7:09pm
Why would you want pictures how about recommending where the op should take the car.Its failed a wof nothing any of us say on here is going to change that
Sep 8, 7:11pm
To see if it is worth a fail, the wof inspector could be telling porkys. Plus some could give a ball bark figure on the cost to fix, but yes ideally you do want to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion.
Sep 8, 7:17pm
Its already failed its in the system how about trying to help the op instead of thinking you know better than the guy with the qualifications that has seen the car close up
Sep 8, 7:18pm
Its a fail for sure. Annoyingly enough if I had the parcel tray cover in place the hard to get one would have gone unseen, but I was in a rush chucking the back seat back in inorder to get the wof so didnt bother.
Thats the one that is going to be a prick since the back window will probably have to come out, so isnt something i want to try tackling on my own. Both are just some bubbling of the paint and surface rust underneith it but I cant really be bothered doing it myself and having the hassles that not taking it to a pro for repair being when its recheck time.
Sep 8, 7:18pm
Sorry op I cant help you I'm sure someone from the north shore can recommend a panel beater up that way
Sep 8, 7:20pm
So you trust the opinion of one person, all industry's have their cowboys. I work in automotive myself, just look at the amount of threads you see related to VTNZ failing vehicles on non existent faults. As much as we all hate cowboys bringing down the trade they do exist.
Seeking a 2nd opinion is being helpful but us here could give you a better idea of what the OP is looking and to give them further guidance. It also does not say specifically what its failed in the system has it is categorized by the way.
If 2 or 3 people say fix it then sure you have a problem but I would not jump in guns blazing and pay thousands to fix rust on a problem that may not even really be a issue.
Sep 8, 7:22pm
What do you do in the automotive industry !
Sep 8, 7:40pm
So what was that you are an avi or are you a car cleaner cant understand why you would have deleted that unless its untrue
Sep 8, 7:44pm
Change of opinion, if some come here without as much as factual information as possible we can't help them. Otherwise more time would be spent just getting it fixed with getting anyones 2 cents. Sometimes the cotton wool does need to be removed to realize not every AVI does a perfect faultless job.
Sep 8, 7:47pm
Answer my question are you a qualified avi or are you full of it
Sep 8, 7:50pm
Yes, even though its none of your business.
Sep 8, 7:52pm
Why did you delete your post then
Sep 8, 7:56pm
Because I changed my opinion, why not have a constructive discussion ay rather than try wind me up. Since you appear to think I am a troll.
The way I see it is, if anyone needs help on the boards we need as much as information as possible. Unless your crystal ball is still working, in the trade myself I have had customer coming asking how much to replace my power steering belt. When in fact the car doesn't have one, it has manual steering and the only belt drives water pump and alternator.
Their is many experts panel beaters and painters who could easily give a ballback figure or even say scrap the car. But by you saying get it fixed is not really helping, until one can establish its a confirmed issue.
So I take it you have never had one in any industry mess something for you!
Sep 8, 8:07pm
Ha I didnt call you a troll you did and this good advice would that be like the poor guy with the death rattle in the comodore where he was told that it was a coil pack, crank angle sensor when it was a big end that anyone with any knowledge of engines could see oh he was also told that it certainly not be stuffed cause it had only done 213ks
Sep 8, 8:18pm
By the way John telling posters to take it to general or not to swear is not helpful just in-case you think it is
Sep 8, 8:23pm
You are welcome to your opinion but I disagree.
Sep 8, 8:28pm
thats cool no point debating if we are both on the same side
Sep 8, 9:27pm
Is the car an AU Falcon, by any chance!
Sep 8, 10:03pm
If its as badas you think yourself by the time the beater uncovers the rest it may be a mission. Doing any rust on parcel tray areas is bloody awkward and time consuming if done correctly. Make sure you at least try for a quote, although some may not quote rust as it can turn into a nightmare. What car is it! If its going in those areas it may well be an ongoing problem each warrent and now might be the time to think about getting rid of it.A pic would be handy as an idea of time or how bad it really is. Although a pic has its limits.
Sep 8, 11:14pm
I am in Glenfield and could have a look after the 20th as I am still offshore at the me if you wish.
Sep 8, 11:15pm
Trade Me doesn't have a PM feature.
Sep 8, 11:23pm
does on some listings. I will get some pics when its not so rainy and put them up
Sep 9, 1:09am
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